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Before they left, they waited to Damin to show up.

"Wait, who even took them?" Jisung questioned. "Cheon Jimun." Sunho replied. "We've never had issues with him and his group though..." Minjoo looked confused.

"Well, apparently, Cheon Jimun had a past with Myeonggil. He worked under Myeonggil for a while, they were practically best friends besides Myeonggil and Beom. After Jimun left and created his own business, the two remained good friends and worked together." Hyeonju read off her tablet.

"Once you take down the big guys another shows up." Jeongmin sighed. "I've always wondered how Jimun's group rose to the top so quickly..." Haemin shook his head. "Him and Myeonggil were friends, once Myeonggil was taken out, he shared his funds with Jimun, leading him to make a big group." Jeongmin explained.

Damin rang the bell once she arrived and Jeongmin let her in. 

"I brought a couple of my other archery friends, they're willing to help." Damin said as she had three other friends following behind her. "That's fine." Jeongmin assured. She then quickly went over the plan.

"You guys will all pack into the vans, don't park too close to the building, we can't let them know you're all there. I'll go up to the building on my bike so they believe I came alone. I'm sure they'll spew a couple words before actually trying to fight me and possibly kill me, so that'll give you guys far enough time to surround the building and come in through the exits.

But, I do want to take the archers with me, you guys will enter through the side doors, head up to the higher levels of the building and shoot from there. Once the fight within breaks out, you guys all come in, then I'll go get Gunwoo and Woojin." 

"Let's get the party started." She walked out with her group following behind her.

~ 𖣓 ~

"It's no use." Gunwoo sighed. "Why's that?" Jimun asked. "Because I'm not dating Jeongmin." He responded. "And she hates us." Woojin shrugged. The man scoffed and laughed. "Well then, maybe we should leave you guys here and get her ourselves." Jimun sighed.

He began to walk.

"Wait!" Gunwoo said. Jimun laughed as he turned back around. "I was just bluffing. Unlike you two, I have faith and hope that she will turn up." He said walking back to the two.

~ 𖣓 ~

As Jeongmin explained, she drove up to the building. She showed the side doors to the four girls as they snuck in and went to the top of the building.

Jeongmin looked back seeing her group walk closer and closer, so she headed in.

"Our queen!" Jimun rose his hands with a smile on his face. "Jeongmin!" The two tied boys eyes widened from shock that she was actually there. "I told you I had hope in her." The man looked between the two boys.

"What do you want, Cheon?" She asked. "What everyone else in this world wants... Money." He smiled. "How much?" Jeongmin asked. "Everything you've got." He said.

She let out a chuckle. "Didn't Myeonggil give you his whole account basically?" She questioned. "What? Did the big boy gamble too much and lose it all?" She pouted. "That's it Park." He walked up to the girl and placed a gun to her head.

"Woah, woah, woah..." She put her hands up. "Let's all talk about this." She smiled. "The only way I'll get your money is if I kill you." He said through his gritted teeth. "You're the only person and your group are the only ones with billions in this industry." He said.

"I know... Because we store our money and don't gamble it." She said.

"You little-!" He pulled the trigger, but she knew that was coming. Before the trigger was pulled, she took her right hand and grabbed his hands holding the gun, turning around and backing up into him, letting the gun point somewhere else that just so happened to shoot one of his goons.

She bent his wrist, letting the gun drop as she kicked it away.

She looked at the corner of her eyes, seeing Sunho and a couple others standing within the darkness of the building.

"I hope you had more than one gun with you today." She sighed. "Cause you know... I never come to these alone." She smiled as everyone came out from the darkness and started to fight along with the four girls at the top who shot their arrows.

As everyone was fighting, Jeongmin took on Jimun.

She grabbed his left wrist, leading his left arm to go around his neck from the front as she held him against her chest. "Always spend your money wisely, got it Cheon?" She said.

She grabbed her knife from her ankle and stabbed the man on the side before letting him go and putting her knife back into her ankle holder. He groaned as he pushed on the wound.

"KILL HER!" Jimun managed to yell out. All of his goons turned their attention away from the people they were fighting and to the girl who stood in the middle.

"And all of you stop moving!" Another voice appeared. Everyone looked to the second level where Junho, the head of everything, stood.

Lee Junho, the one and only, star of the loan business. The biggest one to be around for the longest time without being caught.

Jimun looked up at his boss and let out a laugh.

"No one is allowed to move besides Jimun's group and Park Jeongmin." Junho smiled.

Jeongmin was surrounded from them all, but none of the goons were moving.

"What are you waiting for!? Kill her!" Junho yelled.

Every single one of them came at her all at once.

Jeongmin was able to dodge some of them, others were not so nice as she got cut every such as her face, legs, arms, and torso. 

"Ah.. Fucking shit." She touched the wounds on her torso. 

She began to fight the ones that she could, managing to knock a lot of them out on their own. After fighting a lot, Jeongmin easily got tired, so she took out her knife once again.

She waved one of the goons over and he did so. He came at her with his knife, but she easily swept him with her foot causing him to fall as she held down his hand that held the knife and stabbed him.

One of the other goons came and picked her up from behind, the knife falling from her hands, and he slammed her into the ground.

She hissed as her back was now in pain.

Another got on top of her and began to strangle her. She struggled a lot as she couldn't reach his face or neck either, she even tried to throw a couple blows to his stomach but he didn't budge.

Before she knew it, the man was kicked off of her as she gasped for air.

Sunho immediately ran over after and held the girl into his lap. She looked up as she was Gunwoo prepared to fight along with Woojin right beside him. The two started to fight as the other goons started to attack.

"Are you okay!?" Sunho questioned the girl. "I'm fine." She finally caught her breath as she stood. "What are you doing?" She looked at him. "Get the others to start fighting again." She said. He nodded as he started to run around, getting the others back into the game.

She watched as Junho started to come down the stairs, so she went over and started to fight him.

"You're really gonna pay for this, Park." He said grabbing the girls hair. She swept the mans feet, causing him to fall, he still had a grip of her hair though, so she made sure to and on his stomach. He groaned as he let go and held onto his stomach.

She grabbed him by the hair he had and lifted him up, taking his head and swinging it to hit the railings on the stairs.

"I'll make sure you don't lay a hand on my friends again." She said as she hit his head once more as it began to bleed out.

The fight went on as everyone on the enemy side fell one by one.

Everyone breathed heavily after they had finished.

Jeongmin looked around at the bodies before she looked over at Gunwoo who started to walked towards her. Before he could reach her, she walked off and out of the building.

Gunwoo looked over at the person who would know her best, Sunho. Sunho looked at the boy and shook his head before waving him to go after her.

~ 𖣓 ~

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