Chapter 29 Death by Zelda

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  • Dedicated to KristieDefne



I drove to Anthony's, flip cam in my pocket. We were filming a Mailtime today. I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park. Turning the car off, I hopped out and strolled up to the house. I walked through the front door, giving a knock as I opened it.

"Anthony? It's Ian," I called, closing the door behind me.

"I'll be there in a sec," he called back. Looking in the tv room, I saw Anthony had brought a box of mail in already.

"Hey, you took some mail in," I said, pointing to the box.

"Thank you Captain Obvious," he replied smartly.

"Ha. Ha," I replied sarcastically, dumping out the box and took the camera out. We both sat down and I turned it on. "It's Mailtime with Smosh!" I yelled with the weird voice I always did. "Today..."

Anthony cut me off. "We have a lot of fucking mail!" I laughed and panned over the mail strewn over the floor. I fished around for something good, and Anthony took the camera.

"Hmm, what could this be?" I asked when I picked up a greasy manilla envelope.

"Probably something gross," Anthony guessed, turning the camera on himself.

I opened the envelope carefully, and there was a slice of pizza in it!!

"PIZZA?!?" the both of us exclaimed in unison.

I threw it at Anthony. "Here, pizza is your favorite food, eat it!"

He stood up and kicked it away. "Even I wouldn't eat that! Ughh!"

I laughed and took the camera when Anthony picked up another package.

"I hope it's anthrax!" he said. I shook my head smiling. He opened it carefully. You can never know what's going to be in these packages.

In it was a bunch of fake money. "I'm rich!!" he yelled.

"No fair, I want to be rich!" I said, pouting.

"Too bad, bitch!" he replied.

After that, I opened a letter from a girl named Kristie expressing her love to me, with a fake ring to marry me. I was quite flattered. Another girl who signed her letter Defne made a drawing of Anthony and me as you guessed it, furries. At least we had some hot babes! We ate some disgusting food (not old pizza!), and I died from Zelda mints!

"Well, I guess Ian's dead, so that means that Mailtime is over. Leave any suggestions for Ian is Bored in the comments below and we probably won't do them," Anthony said.

"Bye bitch," I said from my lying position.

"Okay, you can get up now," Anthony told me. I pushed myself up and went to the sink to spit out the mints still in my mouth. We cleaned up the mail already opened and opened the rest that we hadn't on camera.


"Ugh hair!" I yelled, throwing the letter to the side. "I hate when people send hair!"

Ian nodded. "And we've said, no begged them to stop. Agh look, a letter with money in it," he said, showing it to me. It was $20! These kids really need to stop. "We don't need their money, this is ridiculous."

I opened another envelope which was more fanart. "Woah, look at this, it's amazing!" I showed the drawing to Ian.

"Wow, he marveled. The drawing was of us and every smosh character along with quotes from videos. After looking at it for a while, I told Ian that I was going to hang it up in the office.

Ian smiled. "Okay!" There was so much fan art in the office.

I took a picture of the drawing and posted it on instagram with the caption, "Ian and I just opened this fan art. It didn't make it onto Mailtime, but the both of us agree it is a terrific drawing! :)" We finished opening the rest of the mail then Ian left and I went into the office to edit the video.

Yay new chapter! Kinda silly, nothing new really happening. Shout out to SmoshyBoxman and SmoshAllDay on twitter who were Kristie and Defne in the chapter. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment! Bye! :)

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