Chapter 14 Lucky

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You woke up around 10:30, and walked into the living room to find Ian gone. You went into the kitchen a d saw a note stuck on the fridge saying he was at the hospital, Anthony was there! What the hell?? Grabbing your cell from the counter, you called Ian right away.

"Hey is he okay? What happened?" you asked as soon as Ian answered.

"Yeah he's alright," Ian replied. "He's asleep, but he doesn't seem too bad. He was hit by a car last night crossing a busy road. The doctor told me he has a broken arm and fractured ribs. He said Anthony is lucky."

"Well I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?" Ian told you what floor Anthony was on and the room number. You ate a quick breakfast and got dressed, then woke up Teresa and begged her to drive you to the hospital, as you didn't have her car. Twenty minutes later, you arrived at the hospital.


I opened my eyes to bright lights and the smell of rubbing alcohol. Confused, I looked around my environment and peered down at myself. There was an IV in my left arm and a pulsox monitor clipped to my finger. Okay, I must be in a hospital, I thought to myself. But why? I looked to my right and saw Ian asleep in a chair. I coughed loudly and he awoke with a jolt.

"Dude you're up!" he exclaimed.

"Uh yeah... Mind telling me what happened? The last thing I remember is leaving the house to go for a walk, then nothing after that."

Ian sat up straight and told me I had been crossing a busy road and was hit by a car. He told me I was lucky; I only had a broken arm and fractured ribs. I lifted my right arm a little to see it in a cast. I lifted my hospital gown; my chest was wrapped up. Repositioning myself, I winced in pain. "This is fucking crazy," I said after a moment, sighing. "I never thought this kind of thing would happen to me."

Ian patted my shoulder and said, "It's gonna be okay man, you'll get through this." I smiled half-heartedly. He continued, "And Ant I'm really sorry about everything the other day. You know I would never want to hurt you, you're my best friend."

I closed my eyes for a moment then looked at him. "I know. I'm still a little angry, but I'll get past it. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day, but I will."

Ian smiled and stood up. "Thanks buddy. I'm gonna go get some coffee. YN should be here soon, and Megan is going to call you." I nodded and closed my eyes again as Ian left the room.

Yeah so this chapter sucked. It was pretty much a filler because I didn't have much of an idea what to write. So this story is going to be put on hold like I said in the update, I don't know for how long. Hopefully not too long but I just want to write a few chapters and start an upload schedule. Anyway, please vote and comment, it really helps me know how you guys like this story. I need 6 votes/comments before I post part 15 when I'm ready. I really need them to see how you guys like the story, and if you have any constructive criticism. Okay bye! <3

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