The battle at hyrule castle, pt.2

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It's getting late when Linkly and Sidon were approaching the hyrule castle.
Despite knowing that an awful battle is about to begin the second when they reach the area by the castle, they are still speaking with cheerful voices.
It's not until Linkly notices the blood moon arising that his cheerfulness dies out.
" Oh, no..." he mumbles with fear running through the body. Since the day at Kakariko was glitching where the evening started over and over again, and Link didn't turned werewolf at the end of the last restart of the day... He only remembered the first time when the werewolf hurted him and chased him until he found an abandoned house to lock himself up in. That day was awful since he could barely get a blink of sleep in fear that Link would break in and kill him.
And now... Since the blood moon is arising, it means the werewolf will appear again.
Approaching the castle now might be a suicide mission.
He starts trembling.

Sidon parts the lips and stares at the blood moon.
Since he doesn't know the secret about Link's werewolf form, the moon reminds him about an awful past. The day where the Zora army with his father in charge began the war with the hylians at hyrule Castle. The war was mostly due to a misunderstanding where the Zora king thought hylians killed his firstborn, Princess Mipha. But also, since the hyrule king didn't kept his part in the agreement of giving away his daughter's hand to the Zora prince. Instead of sending the real Princess Zelda, the king sent Linkly instead. In disguise as the princess herself.
Sidon didn't mind the change of plans since he wasn't very eager to marry a woman at all... So, he gladly accepted Linkly and fought on his side during the war against his own people.

But something went wrong during that night... The blood, who got shred in anger and revenge, started floating up in the sky and started the endless circle of the blood moon. And, along with the blood moon, dead monsters came back to life and forced the hylians and the zoras to fight together to have a chance against the dead.
Shortly after that, another nightmare came... The fearful beast attacked them, where it burned down the castle with its fire. Zelda and Linkly tried to stop that monster, but something went wrong.
For a brief moment, Zelda let herself look away from the monster and didn't noticed how it was about to attack her with dark material.
Linkly, on the other hand, noticed the incoming attack and saved Zelda by pushing her away. There, he ended up getting attacked instead.
And because of that single attack, that single mistake, Linkly almost died. There, his only chance to survive was to get put in a coma and rest in almost one hundred years.

Sidon shudders over the bad memory he has tried to forget.
He gives Linkly a side-look in concern.
"...Please ..." he begs and snapped Linkly out from his own thoughts of fear.
Linkly hums asking.
Sidon swallows hardly.
"... I have already lost you one time due to the monster at hyrule Castle... And, if anything happens with you tonight, I don't think I will be able to survive another day without you... So, I beg you to be careful... Don't do anything reckless... I..."

Linkly nods slowly, where the heart pounds faster in pain for Sidon's sake.
" ... I promise... But I ehm..." he furrows the eyebrows and averts the eyes. Not sure how to tell Sidon about the situation with Link.

The Zora prince raises a non-existing eyebrow.

Linkly inhales deeply where he exhales sighing while slumping a little with the shoulders.
"... It's about Link..." he starts explaining and notices how the mentioning about the other hylian makes Sidon freeze up.
Linkly looks worried at him.
"... He has a curse where the blood moon causes him to transform into a werewolf... And... He might not be able to control himself... So... Don't provoke him, okay?" He begs in concern for Sidon's safety.

Sidon wides the eyes slowly where he exhales gasping. Suddenly, the weird canine smell from Link makes a lot of sense. Link is a hybrid. Part hylian and part wolf. There, the blood moon brings out more of the wolf part.
The Zora shudders.
He clears the throat and glances at Linkly.
"... Hey... Maybe tonight won't be the right time to approach the castle?... I think we should find shelter and wait- ..." he swallows hardly.

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