ch 37; Assembled army

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It's like the gate of hell has opened. A pure chaos is spread around the Calatia region. There, the fire is spreading like the pest.

The inhabitants of the Calatia region seem to exhale in gratitude and in relief when the army from Hyrule is finally crossing the border line between the countries. It seems as if they aren't hopelessly alone with the disaster.
Most of the inhabitants in Calatia aren't warriors. They are either farmers or townies that love to enjoy life. Only a few are trained to fight with a weapon in the hand.
So... They have been struggling to fight back against the army of the death that seems hard to kill.
So... The sight of an army is like a blessing. That the gods have heard their prayers.


Demise is sitting by the short end of the long table with Link on the other end.
The demon is enjoying a glass of red wine, while Link is barely eating out of guilt from his recent actions. How he has stopped fighting while a lot of people are getting hurt.

Zant enters the dining room with soft footsteps. He passes Link without giving him a look. Instead, he is looking directly over at the demi God.

The hylian glances curiously up at him. During a few days, Zant visited him every day... But, he hasn't even bothered to talk with him the last couple of days. And... Link has kind of missed him.

The twili man inhales sharply to share the news.
" Master... I have recently found out that an army from Hyrule has crossed the borderline... And it's not only the hylians that have arrived... It's also the Gerudos, the Zoras, the gorons, and the ritos..." he starts telling him, where Link stiffened.

Demise starts smirking.
" Oh?... Have my other half finally assembled his army?... Maybe we should send a welcome committee to make them feel welcomed to our land..." he says and puts the glass down at the table. The remaining wine is twirling a little from the gentle shake.
The demon puts the elbows on the hard surface and intertwine the fingers. His eyes are looking demolish up at the twili man, whose body starts shivering a little.
" ... No survivors... Except that blond princess... I might want an heir in the future... And, she would be a proper choice of mate for that purpose... Besides... She and I have unfinished business..." he adds harshly, where cold blood starts rushing through Link's veins.

The hylian looks up at the demon while his face gets white.
" W-what?..." he clears the throat while the vision starts shaking and blurred out the outer lines of Demise.

The red-haired monster looks across the table and at the pale man.
"... That bitch was in the way when I in a beast form wanted to burn the Hyrule down to the ground... So, I have a bone pick with her... Not only that... If I ever want to get an heir, it should be with someone strong... And, a strong energy is running through her body... So, she is a fitting partner..." he explains and raises an eyebrow at Link.
"... And, I assume you don't have any objection since you have enjoyed yourself with another man..." he tells him and glances significantly at Zant.

While Link reacts by widening the eyes, where the heart pounds swiftly behind the chest, Zant remains calm.

Demise is feeling a bit impressed that Zant isn't losing his cool.
The demon looks back at Link and loves seeing fear emboldened in him. How the dirty secret is exposed.

The demon slides the elbows down from the table while letting go of the hands.
" Well?..." he startles the hylian.
"... Am I correct that you aren't objecting to my choice of taking the princess in?"

Link parts the lips and wasn't sure how to respond. He isn't even sure how to feel about the situation.
The amused look from the man across the table makes him avert the eyes.
" N-... You aren't wrong ... I... I have no objections..." he swallows hardly and looks down at the edge of the table.
The hylian clenches the jaw and hates feeling like a pathetic loser. But... Right now, he can't do anything to turn the table and feel like himself again.
... It's not like he knows how he is supposed to feel to be himself... For a long while, probably since he left Ordon village the first time to save his friends... He has been a lost soul. A confused man whose life hasn't made sense.
Now when he is thinking about it... Maybe he has always felt lost? Even though he loved his life as a farmer... It never felt one hundred percent right. Like something was missing.
And walking with Linkly made him feeling a little less lost.

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