Chapter 14

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Firey was alone in the apartment, it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

He hadn't gotten up yet and it was almost noon, if Leafy found out he had done nothing, she'd definitely have a few choice words for him.


He sighed happily at the thought of her, she was giving him a chance and things were working, it was all going well.

She had kissed him, she had let him get physically near her, she had broken almost all of her own rules, except one.

She still didn't let him sleep in her bed.

He wasn't exactly upset or hurt by it, but he just wanted her near him when it was dark.

He didn't like the dark and with the way he was sleeping he was on the verge of being borderline nocturnal.

He rested during the afternoon, before Leafy came home because he was terrified that if he closed his eyes in the night something would hurt him.

He hated it and he hated not being able to tell anyone,  someone who didn't know what he had gone through, he would just look like a lazy bastard.

The things that had been done to him had impacted him more pthan he thought they would. Nowadays, he was tired a lot and just wanted to take things slow and steady.

He wasn't like this before, he used to always be looking for the next thing that needed to be done or that could be done, he had fun, he just did things.

But that's what got him "killed".

His willingness to do stupidly dangerous things, his determination to see things through and his energy got him into the investigation line of work and it got him assigned the task of finishing off the biggest crime group the country had ever seen.

He didn't have much to do at first, he just went on assignments to track and dig up any info he could, all very easy.

But then he slipped up a bit and soon, the heads of the crime gang knew who he was and he was going to become a target.

He was still doing his work though, he enjoyed it.

Also his higher-ups failed to tell him he was basically a sitting duck, something he now resented them for but he had almost gotten himself fired for screwing up so badly however, the man in charge of his division defended him by arguing he was still young and deserved a proper chance.

He was 21 and already had a title as lead detective in the biggest case they had seen in years, how messed up was that?

He continued to investigate and helped bring in two of the crooks but when you cross an organised crime group, they don't retaliate kindly...

He was still a target and yet he was more involved than ever, people were hunting him and with every passing second, they got closer.

Other people were also in danger, almost everyone who did field work on the case was in danger of varying degrees and so an emergency summit was held on the other side of the country.

Firey didn't give Leafy all the details but she was busy with her college work so she hasn't exactly asked him why he was suddenly packing to stay in a random city for a week.

At the summit, tensions were high as people were demanding to be kept safe and others were demanding that the case be brought to a close because they thought the gang lords were too dangerous.

Their requests were denied and instead, planning was started on how to hide identities, an announcement that didn't really roll with everyone.

Some people were told that plastic surgery would be needed, others were told they needed to move far away, one person even having to leave the country.

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