Chapter 20

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Once again Firey's cursed, secret phone rang again, once again he got a bad feeling in his stomach, once again he reluctantly answered.

"What is it Four?" he asked.

"I found one of them," Four's voice sounded happy, not a normal happy but an unhinged happy.

"What?" Firey questioned cautiously.

"I found one of the bastards in that gang, he's a pillar, definitely involved with most of what they do," they laughed slightly, unnerving Firey.

"What about it?" he asked.

"Just meet me at the warehouse that we use as storage, I'll explain everything to you, tonight "

Four didn't want for a response and hung up, Firey sighed in frustration as he checked the online bus-table for a bus that would drop him near the docks.

And so a few hours later, Firey said goodbye to Leafy, telling her Blocky had invited him out.

Blocky was the only person in his normal life who knew what he did for work, Blocky knew that it needed to be kept under wraps and so when he had quit he told Firey he could use him as an excuse if he ever needed to leave for a task temporarily.

Firey sat on the bus that had hardly any passengers due to how late it was, he sat close to the back at a window seat, watching the raindrops fall on the window as condensation began to form.

The docks were the last stop on the route, by the time they got there Firey was the last person on the bus.

"You sure this is where you want to be?" the driver asked as Firey exited.

"Nope," Firey sighed as he stepped onto the slippery, wet pavement and stood in a large puddle.

The driver shrugged, closing the doors and driving away.

It must have looked rather suspicious, Firey was very clearly not a dock worker and it was fairly late to go visiting the docks on a night like this.

He walked through a large gate to an industrial area, full of cranes, shipment containers and heavy machinery and there was very little light to see where he was going.

Squinting through the darkness, partially to see but mainly because he was walking in the direction the rain fell and it hurt his eyes to have them fully open, he shoved his hands in his pockets and trudged through the downpour.

He was soaked to the skin, scowling as he kept looking around to make sure no one saw him, it was highly unlikely, he was in the darkest, furthest part of the docklands, at this time of night, the only people around here would be drunkards and idiotic teenagers.

Once he arrived at the storage unit, he stood under the shelter of the small door that allowed access to the main hall of it.

As he stood there waiting for the door to be opened, a large amount of water fell from the pipes above him, fully dowsing him causing him to yell in frustration, just as Four opened the door.

Four gave him a strange look that Firey returned with a scowl as he walked in, trailing a puddle behind him.

Firey stood shivering as Four went searching through a bag he had, pulling out a photo of a blond man with a movie-star smile, photos of a house and many other papers.

"This," Four began as they picked up the photo of the man "Is Loser, an important figure in the crime scene, he's a con-artist, been doing it for years,"

"Oh what, I know him he's one of my favourite actors," Firey said with disappointment at the fact someone he admired was actually a criminal.

"He stopped acting years ago, though I'm sure you already knew that, as far as the general public is concerned he's past his prime, they don't care about him," Four said with noticeable glee.

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