Phan (Crush)

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HEy, guys, sorry for the hecka long wait! I've been focusing a lot on finishing Forget Me and editing Games so it can be published. I wanted to explode into this week's updates with updates for all of my books, and a crap ton of updates for this one, but that didn't work out. :(

I do have this one Phan oneshot for you guys, though, so, I hope it's enough for now? I know it isn't, but I hope you can forgive me for that. ^.^

Also, I can't post this on ff . net because I somehow accidentally blocked the url D:

I'll probably post it there tomorrow when I have access to a different computer.

Title: Crush

Pairing: Phan

Suggested By: FIRESasphire

Original Prompt: "Can you do another Phan or something with Pewdiepie in the next couple updates?" Oops, I'm late. D: My bad!

Genre: Fluff, I suppose

Song: "Crush" by David Archuleta (oh gosh I hope I spelled that right)

Warnings: nupe :D

Word Count: 1,227

There are hints, here and there. I know there are. And I've tried to hide them - trust me, I've tried too many times to make sense of anymore - but it doesn't work, it never does. I'm hopeless, and these subtle, subconscious hints I give off are not helping at all.

At some point, I started believing that, maybe, if he just happened to at one point realize what was going on with me, he would return the feelings. I started being a little more okay with these stupid hints that I can't help but drop.


I hung up the phone tonight

Something happened for the first time

Deep inside it was a rush

What a rush

My stomach flipped, my head did this thing where it made all of my good memories with him flash before my eyes. I honestly thought I was dying at first, not gonna lie. But then the phone accidentally slipped out of my hand, and the sound it made as it clattered against the tile floor was somehow enough to get me out of my love-sick stupor.

'Cause the possibility

That you would ever feel the same way about me

It's just too much

Just too much

He stuttered. Geez, he stuttered when he said my name! And he didn't even have a normal cause for being nervous - he was asking me if I'd want to go to the freaking movies on Saturday. But do you know what that is? That is a date-style scene.

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