Mr. ChairxPiggeh (Cheater)

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I've had this written for two or three weeks now and just forgot to post it. I was wondering why no one was commenting on it...

Title: Cheater

Pairing: (I'll be calling them Percy and Chaise sometimes simply because I think those names suit them. Pete just doesn't sound like a proper name for Piggeh.. I dunno. Just go with it.)

Prompt: I was playing Sims on my Youtuber world, and I thought, "Hey, Mr. Chair and Piggeh deserve to be in this city!" So I created them, Stephano, and Jennifer super uber quickly and plopped them down in the middle of the city. (I gave Piggeh the "Heartbreaker" lifetime wish. Whoops?) I led Piggeh around town for a while, making him woohoo with every-freaking-one. (Then I remembered he had the heartbreaker lifetime wish and not the woohoo one, and I facepalmed a bajillion times before going back and making him date EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE SIMS.) Then, a few minutes later, I cried because I had just made him break up MunchingUniverse, Phan, SetoSolace, Merome, Ssunkipz, and several other ships without even realizing it.


And then I made him propose to Mr. Chair, and blah-blah-blah, and then Stephano walked in on Piggeh cheating on the chair, and Stephano basically just sat there chewing him out for a good ten minutes.

Oh, and Jennifer got pregnant with triplets.

Don't even ask about that bit. It's not in the one-shot, anyways. (EDIT: I TOTALLY LIED I'M SORRY I GOT A REALLY GOOD IDEA SORT OF AND HAD TO INCLUDE IT.)

Apologies: Jennifer is technically a rock, and this is why no one noticed her baby bump- she didn't have one. BECAUSE SHE'S A ROCK, AND A HUMAN, AND LOGIC, AND JUST SHUT UP AND GO WITH IT.

Genre: Eh. I dunno.

Warnings: None

Apologies (updated version): I JUST REALIZED THIS IS ONE OF THE WEIRDEST, AWKWARDLY PACED THINGs I'VE EVER WRITTEN, DEFINITELY NOT "ONE OF MY BEST ONE-SHOTS" AS I SAID IN THE HASHTAG BOOK. I guess that's what I get for recreating my Sims 3 experience. Eh, whatevs, it's good enough, I'm too lazeh to go back and edit it all.

Word Count: 4,982

Mr. Chair's POV

"Chaise, my wonderful chair," Percy giggles, "will you marry me?"

He's cheated on me so many times. And yet, I forgive him, every time. He'll make that adorable 'I'm-so-sorry' face, and he'll squeeze my hands gently, and he'll tell me that I'm the only one he's ever truly loved, and I'll forgive him, no matter how many times he does it.

But no matter how many times he does it, it never hurts me any less.

"Are you serious?" I ask, my eyes widening as I stare at the beautiful ring in his hand with a mixture of anger, disbelief, and joy.

He nods. "Yes, Chaise. I know I've made a lot of mistakes, but I really do want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Wha- Really!? You were locking lips with Jennifer not one month ago! And you don't think it'd be wise to wait a bit before proposing to me!?"

Tears gather in his eyes and he slowly gets up from his kneeling position. "I-Is that a 'no'?"

I bite my lip. He has betrayed me more times than I can count. But... I love him. How could I possibly say 'no' to a lifetime with him? I sigh. "No... I..." I look up and smile slightly. "I'll definitely marry you, Percy."

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