Poofless (Our Last Kiss)

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Title: Our Last Kiss

Pairing: Poofless

A continuation of "Crying in the Rain."

Suggested by: Erm, someone? :3 I dunno, I forgot, and I'm too lazy to look back and figure it out. I wrote this a long time ago, but my computer turned it into hashtags. :/ So here's the new version, which is probably not nearly as good as the old one, but still not as crappy as it would have been had I done it immediately after the old one was killed!

Genre: Angst and fluff

Song: "Our Last Kiss" by HGH-FRICKIN-RULES. I just realized my username is actually really self-centered and prideful-sounding. Oh, well, I'm not gonna change it, I use it for, like, a bajillion sites. ANYWAYS, I'm gonna upload the audio for the chorus of this song to YouTube, and you can go listen to it there; I'll put a link to it on the side. (Or for all you fanfiction people you can just go to my YT page and find it, I only have, like, 6 videos.)

Here are the lyrics in case you can't see the link or hear the music or whatever:

"So here's your warning

I've got a feeling

That this is gonna be our last kiss, our last kiss

Just thought I'd tell you

Before I broke you

I'm sorry that it had to end like this."

Warnings: FEELS OMG LIKE WOAH (okay not really but maybe I've just been proofreading for too long now)

Word Count: 2,494

I let another sob loose, hugging my damp pillow to my chest as I cuddle back into my not-as-fluffy-as-I'd-like-it-to-be sofa.

That seemed like a bad start. Let's try again.

I sit happily on the couch, thinking about pancakes.

That was a lie. Let's try one more time.

I wail loudly as my broken heart keeps my entire body in a state of constant pain and exhaustion.

I guess there isn't really a good way to start this story off without lying. Oh well.

I sniffle, dragging the rough pillow down my face and wincing at the slight pain. It dries my tears though, which was my original intent.

Oh, look at that. The tears are back.

My face is soaked again within thirty seconds, and I'm back to lying on the sofa and bawling my eyes out. But honestly, what else can I do? I am broken. She didn't want me. She left me for someone better.

I'm so stupid, such an idiot! How could I not see that coming? I've never been good enough for her, I never even had a chance of being good enough for her! So why on earth did I try?

Why did I allow myself to fall so deeply in love with her that when she revealed that she was no longer in love with me, I had no other option than to collapse on the floor in a heap of brokenness?

I need someone next to me. I need someone to hold me and tell me that it will be okay. I need someone to look me in the eye and tell me she's not worth it, even though I'm the one who's not worth it.

But who? Who would help a worthless idiot like me?

I swipe up the pillow again and clutch it to my chest, now mourning the loss of not only my girlfriend but also my best friend. What was I thinking, telling Rob we couldn't be friends anymore? I love him, even if it's not in the same way he loves me. He's my best friend. He was my best friend.

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