chapter 14

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Annas POV-

I woke up with a headache but I couldn't realize where I was. It was a room will dull lighting. I kept looking around and realized that I was tied up in a chair. Then water was thrown on my face.

"Wakey Wakey." The voice said.

"I'm already up dumbass you're supposed to do that before I wake up. Haven't you seen movies on this shit or what?" I say rolling my eyes.

A punch came across my cheek.

"You ruin my life you know." Emma said walking back and forth.

"I ruin your life? That's hilarious coming from you." I say laughing.

"Break up with gracie and let me have her." She says.

I smile and nod no.

She took out a pocket knife and came closer to me and put the knife on my cheek.

"I said break up with Gracie." She says.

"And I said no." I said smiling.

I groaned as she slid the knife down my cheek.

"Where is she! Where are my brothers and Jenna and Olivia! What did you do with them." I yell.

"Oh don't worry they're safe and I sent them all back home. Thing is, they don't know where the hell you are which makes this whole thing even more fun." She says smiling.

"You're literally a psychopath." I spit in her face.

"Fine maybe you'll talk after being stuck in here the whole day." She says closing the door and shutting the lights off.

"Fuck you!" I yell.

I wasn't worried about me. I was worried about Gracie and my brothers.

Gracies POV-

I woke up getting shaken awake by Bryce.

"Gracie wake up." He says.

I touch my head and wince feeling a cut.

We all looked at eachother feeling the same pain as we were all struck in the head.

" Wheres Anna?" I say.

"I don't know. I woke up first and then woke all of you guys up. Emma took her and we need to find her." Bryce says looking at chris.

"Why are you guys looking at each other like that?" Olivia says.

"Never thought we would have to go down this road again but lets go." Bryce says nodding at Chris.

They go upstairs to Annas Room and push a book into her book shelf and it opens.

There were guns, knives, and other weapons.

"What the fuck is this?" Jenna questions.

"Gracie did Anna ever tell you how her and Emma met?" Bryce says.

"She said through elementary school thats all." I said.

"Sure if you want to take it that way. She ever tell you about our family?" Chris says.

"Okay you guys are pissing me off just tell us." Olivia says.

Me and Jenna nod agreeing.

" Our family grew up fighting as in gangs and shit. I'm sorry you guys are all finding this out now but we need to hurry and find her so please grab a weapon and prepare yourself because you never know." Bryce says.

"Us? Weapons? Do you see us?" I say confused.

"Grab knives if thats what you guys want but come on." He says back.

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