chapter 17

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Annas POV-
It was now the next morning around 4am. We have a flight at 6 but we wanted to get there early. Waking up early is the worst thing about tour.

I turned over to turn my alarm off and I heard Gracie groan which made me smile. We both hate waking up early.

"No please lets go back to sleep." She said quietly.

" as much as I want to, nope come on we need to get ready and get everything in the car." I say kissing her cheek.

I get up and start getting ready and at some point Gracie started to get ready too.

I was bent over tying my shoe when I felt a slap across my ass.

"Ow gracie what the heck!" I say turning around.

She was standing there with a big smile on her face. God it's hard to even get mad at her when she looks like that.

"I'm sorry I just can't help it!" She says laughing.

I smile and roll my eyes at her.

"You're lucky I love you." I say.

I walk up to her and hold her face in the palm of my hands and pull her in for a kiss.

I love Gracie so much and I know that I want her to be mine forever. Marriage was never something that I thought of doing until I met Gracie and she changed everything. She's just perfect for me and she makes me feel things i've never felt before. I truly see myself marrying her one day.

She pulled away from the kiss and looked at me.

"I love you too" she says smiling.

I grab her hand and we walk downstairs.

"Took you guys long enough." Chris says.

"Shut up lets go." I say picking up the last bag.

In case you were wondering, Rocky and Weenie are staying with Gracies parents. Thankfully they had no problem staying with them the months that we were gonna be gone.

(A/n- I'm just gonna skip through some
months of tour)

2 Months into tour.

Gracies POV-

Right now we're all watching Anna perform but she doesn't know what we have planned which i'm kinda scared about. So far the tour is going good and Anna seems really happy.

"Okay shes on her last song so get into your places!" Bryce slightly yelled.

"Shes gonna kill us all." I say laughing.

"She'll be fine." Olivia says holding my shoulder.

Annas POV-

"Thank you guys for-" I barely even got out of my mouth.

Out of nowhere I heard popping noises and then confetti came from all angles and Gracie,Olivia,Bryce, and Chris all tackled me to the floor.

The fans were screaming very loud as we play fought with each other and then i picked Gracie up and spun her around which made the fans go even crazier.

I put her down and picked up the mic.

"Well I obviously didn't know this was happening but bye guys!" I yell into the mic.

We all ran off back stage laughing while the fans screamed.

"I hate you guys!" I said laughing.

"Nah you love us." Bryce said laughing.

"yeah yeah." I said smiling.

We all did a group hug.

5 months into tour.

Annas POV-

Its the last show of tour tonight and this tour honestly felt more better than the last one. I even feel better mentally still but I think it's because I had gracie and everyone with me which I will always be thankful for.

"come on you gotta get changed and then do vocal warm ups. you're on stage in 20 minutes!" Rue said peeking her head in the door.

"Fine fine and wheres Gracie?" I said laying my outfit out on the couch that was in the dressing room.

"I think her, olivia, jenna and your brothers went to go get something to eat before the show started. Oh right Olivia wanted me to let you know that Conan said he will be here tonight." She said.

"Okay now get out weirdo I'm trying to change." I said smiling.

Rue rolled her eyes and closed my door. I got changed and honestly I felt pretty good and confident. I was wearing baggy black jeans with my white converse and a white and black crop
top that was actually a t-shirt that I just cut. I also had on my gold G necklace.

After getting ready and doing my vocal warm ups a knock came at the door so I turned around as it opened. Gracie came in with water and a snack for me.

"Here just so you hydrate and eat something before you go on since i know you like to jump around a lot on stage and you need energy." She said handing them to me.

I smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek as I took the water and snack.

We both walked over to the couch and sat down.

"are we gonna talk about what happened?" Gracie said looking at me.

"No because there's nothing to talk about." I said taking a sip of my water.

"There is though Anna, You can't just-"

"Enough Gracie just leave it alone please. It's my last show tonight and I just want to have a good night." I say looking at her.

She sighed and then got up to leave.

"I'll see you after the show then. I love you and you got this." she said.

And with that she walked away.

I sighed and put my face into my hands. I messed up I know I did but i'm just not ready to talk about it yet and I know I hurt her but I didn't mean to.

After about 3 minutes the door opened.

"You're on in 5, the last opener just finished." Rue said.

I got up and we walked near the main stage. My band then started playing music meaning they were ready for me. I looked at Gracie and she gave me a soft smile that I returned back and then I walked out and the fans went crazy. One of the most amazing feelings in the world.

1 hour and 45 minutes into the show.

I put my guitar down and picked up the mic.

"Everyone please just be quiet for a bit, um for this last long I would like it if it was just quiet and not as much screaming. This song means a lot to me especially because it was written when I was going through a very hard time and um I wrote it when I felt like I lost the most important person in my life. so Gracie if you could please come out here." I said looking back to where Gracie was.

She smiled at me nervously and then walked out which made the crowd go crazy.

I walked up to her and hugged her and then walked her to the chair that was across from my chair on stage. I sat across from her and then picked up my guitar.

"I love you" I mouthed to her.

She smiled at me and I started playing my guitar.

" I just wanna be yours, I just wanna be yours." I sung softly.

After I was done I put my guitar down and hugged Gracie who was crying basically the whole time.

"I love you so much." She whispered against my chest.

"I love you more forever no matter what." I whispered in her ear.

I gave her kiss on her head and then I turned to the crowd and grabbed my mic.

"Thank you guys so so much for being here. I'm so glad we all got to experience this together. This tour is something that I will never forget and I can't wait to see all your beautiful face's again. Again, Thank you so much for coming and being here and I hope you guys had an amazing night. I love you all, Be safe on your way out and way home!" I said turning holding gracies hand and walking off stage.

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