The Quidditch Match

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Over the next few weeks, Alya and Draco had become closer, but so had Alya and Fred. Alya and Fred had been studying together a lot and things still weren't much clearer for Alya. Mattheo had been quite distant, he wouldn't really talk much to anyone, other than to answer a question or ask if Alya was okay. The rest of the students in the school had barely looked at Alya since the day in the Great Hall, mostly because they knew about her power and were too scared to go near her, which meant that the Slytherin common room was often empty if Alya was there. Alya didn't mind this too much, although she didn't like the fact that the whole school was scared of her.

It was the 30th October, the day before halloween and the day of the quidditch match between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, and everyone in the school was constantly talking about one or the other for the whole week. Alya and her friends sat at their house table in the Great Hall eating breakfast and discussing the Halloween party that they were throwing the next day.

"So Alya, are you dressing up tomorrow?" asked Pansy.

"No need, everyone's already bloody scared of me," Alya laughed.

"That's very true!" laughed Blaise. "I don't know why though, you're not exactly scary are you?"

"Well, I don't think so," said Alya. "But clearly everyone else does,"

"Nah you're not scary," said Theo. "Intimidatingly beautiful, yes. Scary, definitely not,"

"Gosh, thanks Theo," laughed Alya. "Nah, I'll probably just wear a black dress or something,at least it fits with the halloween theme,"

"I guess so," laughed Pansy.

Just then, the owls came with the post and dropped a letter in front of Draco. His face dropped as he read it.

"For god sake!" he said. "My parents want me home tonight after the quidditch match, said it's important family business. Whatever that means. They said it's for a few days so I won't be here for the party tomorrow."

"Oh no. I'm sorry, Dray!" said Alya. "I'll miss you,"

"I'll miss you too, darling," he smiled. "Hopefully it won't take too long,"

They finished their breakfast and headed to their potions class. They sat at their normal desks when they walked in, Alya was next to Pansy, as usual.

"Hello, everyone, take your seats. Quickly now," said Slughorn. "Today we're going to be learning specifically about Amortentia. I'm going to need a few volunteers, actually no. I'll be picking a few people at random to come up and tell me what they smell."

"This should be good," laughed Pansy.

"Mr Riddle, both of you, come up here please," said Slughorn. "Miss Snape-Cortez and Miss Parkinson, you too," they all walked up to the front of the class and stood in a line. Mattheo was first to smell the potion.

"I can't smell anything over your bloody perfume, Alya," said Mattheo.

"I'm not wearing any perfume, Matty," laughed Alya.

"Oh shit..." said Mattheo.

"Mr Riddle, are you saying that you can smell Miss Cortez in the potion?" asked Slughorn.

"No! I just can't smell anything other than her, I thought it was her perfume," said Mattheo.

"Amortentia smells different to each person according to what attracts them, Mr Riddle," said Slughorn, with a grin on his face. "If all you can smell is Miss Cortez, I dare say that you are attracted to her,"

"Whatever," said Mattheo.

"It's not like it's a secret, Matty, you tell me all the time," laughed Alya.

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