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The next morning, Alya woke up on Mattheo's chest. She didn't know at what point they switched in the night, but she really liked it. He woke up and kissed the top of her head thinking she was still asleep.

"Happy halloween!" she shouted, which made him jump.

"Fuck, Alya you scared the shit out of me, i thought you were asleep!" said Mattheo.

"Sorry, darling," she laughed. "Sleep well?"

"That was the best sleep I've ever had in my life." he smiled up at her. He kissed her softly on the lips, before remembering that she couldn't walk last night.

"How're your legs this morning, princess?" he smirked.

"Oh god," laughed Alya, standing up. She tried walking but she was still a little wobbly. They both laughed and she sat back on the bed. "Shit!"

"Looks like I'm going to have to bring you breakfast in bed!" laughed Mattheo. "It's a good job it's the weekend,"

"Could you imagine if it wasn't? You'd have to carry me around all day," Alya laughed.

"I wouldn't mind that, I can do that today if you'd like," he smiled.

"Are you serious?" asked Alya.

"Deadly," Mattheo smiled.

"Well okay then, I dare you," chuckled Alya.

"Now you know I never back down from a dare, love," grinned Mattheo. "Come on, let's get breakfast,"

"We might need to make a pit stop to my dorm first, I just remembered I came here in my pyjamas last night," chuckled Alya.

"It's okay, love. You can wear something of mine," smiled Mattheo.

"As much as I'd love that, you're like really tall," she laughed. "I don't think your trousers will fit me,"

"Okay, we'll go to your dorm but you can wear a shirt or jumper of mine or something," he said.

"Wow, you really want me in your clothes, huh?" laughed Alya.

"It'll be cute," he smiled, handing her his quidditch jumper that says 'M RIDDLE' on the back.

"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes, playfully at him. She put it on over her silk pyjama top and Mattheo picked her up and put her on his back. They walked down to Alya's dorm, where she put on a pair of leggings before she got back on Mattheo's back and they headed to the Great Hall.

"Am I not heavy?" she asked,to which Mattheo chuckled.

"Not in the slightest," he laughed.

They entered the great hall and everyone stared at them. Mattheo put Alya down in her seat and sat down opposite her as they greeted their friends and started to eat.

"Why are you giving Alya a piggy back, Mattheo? That's so random," laughed Blaise.

"And where the bloody hell have you two been?" asked Pansy.

"Oh um... I dared Mattheo to carry me around all day, so now he has to," smirked Alya. Mattheo smirked back at her and looked down.

"Is that why you're wearing his hoodie too?" said Theo, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Oh no, I stayed at his dorm last night because Dray isn't here and I went there in my pyjamas. I couldn't exactly walk around school in this, could I?" she said, lifting the hoodie to show her red, laced vest top. "I feel like you boys would actually kill everyone if i did that," she laughed.

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