Part 4

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Asahi's POV

I still can't get over what the highest sorcerer said. "They have waited for me all these time?" What did he mean by that?

I went back inside the hall and waited for Jeongwoo. he's the only one I can talk to. I still can't trust him because I don't know anything about him except for his powers.

I looked at my watch and it was almost twelve. Don't they feel sleepy? The bell suddenly rang and students were leaving their classrooms. "Jeongwoo!" I called and signaled him to to come.

"Sooo.. How was your stroll?"

"I talked to that vampire earlier. He's not scary as you described him. I threw a stone at him and guess what? He fell on the pond!"

"You did that to the Yoon Jaehyuk?" I happily nodded. "You're unbelievable. No one ever messes with him Asahi. The last time someone tried to pull a prank on him, as far as I remember... Died.

"Psh. He's harmless. He did nothing to me."

"I wonder why.." he gave me a teasing smile. "I guess Mr. Vampire's in love.." Hell no! He DID say I was his type but puh-lease. Who does he think am I to believe that lie?

"No, he's not. He's just weak, that's why."

"Don't underestimate him Asahi. He's done a lot of things already. But the fact that he NEVER had a boyfriend all his life made everyone think he kills anyone who flirts with him."

"No. He's straight. A coward. Period. I mean, don't vampires love fucking some slut? He's a vampire, what does he want? Believe me. He's scared of guys."

"Say anything you want.. Oh, it's almost bed time. Curfew starts at one in the morning. You should be in bed when clock strikes one. Remember that or you'll be punished."

"Wait a minute. You sleep at one in the morning? When do you guys wake up? What happens in the morning?"

"Did I forget to tell you that Stone Academia has no daytime? It's always night time here. Though we use morning and night terms when saying the time.."

"You mean I can't push that vampire into the sunlight and die?"

"You really plan on doing that?" Well he's an ass. He deserves it. "I've been warning you Asahi. If anything happens to you, I'm really gonna blame myself."

"Why? I'm not your responsibility."

"Of course you are! I'm assigned to look after you. In other words, I am your friend, tour guide, protector, and advisor. No complaints. The high sorcerer ordered me that."


"Annyeong Jeongwoo!" A group of students waved at him. he waved back and smiled.

"Sorry about that. I'm kind of a popular kid here. But don't worry, I'm not like some mean bitch who would make you do things."

"Good. I was about to leave you when you said you are. Anywho.. Can I take a rest now?"

"Let's go." he took my hand and we ran to the dormitory. Woah.. It looks like a hotel but with creepy looking walls and furnitures. "Another reminder. Ghosts may appear anywhere and take your body, except when you're inside your room. When someone knocks, don't open the door. It might be desperate ghost looking for a body to take. Never leave the room."

"Okay." It's kind of spooky but I'm up for the challenge.

"See you tomorrow!" he waved goodbye and we parted ways.

I looked at my key and 'Room 22' was carved on it. I went upstairs and looked for the door that says 22. It was the third room from the left. I was about to unlock the door when I heard someone speaking.

"Ani, ani.. Ahem. Hi, I'm your roommate." What the heck? "You're not serious. Aish.. Do it right or you're toasted. Okay.. Here we go. So you're my roommate..I don't care. Tsk! It's too mean... Ahhh what do I do?"

I quickly opened the door and saw him widening his eyes at me. "Ne, Hello. I'm Yoon Jaehyuk." I almost laughed when his voice cracked. HE DOESN'T SEEM SCARY AT ALL!

"Did I interrupt your practice?" I teasingly said to him. "Were you actually nervous to meet me? I thought you're some 'king' in this place? Where did that confidence go?"

"Just get in." I closed the door behind me and walked towards him. "I screwed up, okay? I was just trying to look intense and scary when you entered."

"Tell you what? You don't look intense or scary whatever you do. You don't scare me, for the third time this day."

"Worth a try." He sighed and looked down. "Okay. Now that you've seen my true self, I'll introduce myself normally." He lifted his head and smiled widely at me. "Hello Asahi! I'm gonna be your roommate for the rest of the school year. Please take care of me!" He said it so cheerfully I almost forgot he's a vampire. "This is who I really am. I'm sorry if I was too harsh earlier. I was always told to look mean in front of everyone because that's how vampires are supposed to be."

"You've been pretending to be bad all these time?" He nodded. "You're actually a bubbly kid!"

"I was forced to do bad things too. I didn't want to kill anyone. My parents are just.. I don't know. They always control me and stuff. But I can act like this when I'm with you right? You're the only who knows this, Asahi. Please keep this a secret. If they find out that I'm not really mean.. My parents will abandon me."

"Sure. Your secret is safe with me." Finally I found out his weakness. Sorry Jaehyuk but I'm someone you shouldn't trust.

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