Part 14

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Third person POV

Jaehyuk stormed out of the room and left the Japanese frozen on his spot. "Did he just.. He's really mad at me, isn't he?" The Japanese sighed and went to his bed.

Why did I have to be so inconsiderate and talked to him about these shitty feelings? The Japanese thought and mentally slapped himself.

"Jeongwoo might help." Asahi quickly left the room and looked for Jeongwoo. It's not one yet so he can still look around for him. "Jeongwoo?" he looked for him at the main hall, hoping he'll be there. "Jeongwoo?"

Asahi suddenly heard cries coming from the restroom. he slowly walked towards it. It's not something dangerous, right? he opened the door and found Jeongwoo sitting on the floor, crying with a blade on his hand.

"What the fuck Jeongwoo?!" he quickly took the blade and threw it away. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Are you out of your mind?!"

"Just let me die!!" Jeongwoo shouted, looking so miserable. he looks so different than the Jeongwoo Asahi sees. he doesn't look cheerful and positive... he's every opposite of what he shows.

"No! You're not gonna die." Asahi kneeled down to his level. "What's wrong woo? You can always tell me what's bothering you."

"I just want to die Asahi hyung.. I'm useless." Asahi immediately hugged him tightly. "I'm tired of this life. I can't take it anymore.."

"Jeongwoo, tell me what's going on! You can't just die because you think you're useless! What happened?" Asahi pulled away and wiped the younger's tears. "Come on, woo. I would listen."

"Grandma died. My parents were killed. Everything just had to happen so fast tonight and I.. I can't take it Asahi.." he started crying again. Asahi cupped his cheeks and looked into his eyes. "I have no one else."

"What are you talking about? You have me. You have your admirers, your friends. I'm sorry if these shits happen to you all at once. You're Jeongwoo! You're sweet! You're cheerful! You're amazing!"

"But.. I was never like that to myself. I lied to you being all happy and positive. I'm never like that. That is not what I really feel."

"What are you talking about?"

"Those kids may see me smiling and laughing and enjoying my so called perfect life but I'm messed up. I hate everything about me. I fucking hate my life."

"No. Don't say that. Don't be like that woo. Look at the bright side! You try your best to make everyone smile too. You have friends who care for you. These kids look up to you and you're acting like this? Woo, no one has a perfect life, okay? My life is messed up. Jaehyuk's life is messed up. Everyone's life is a mess and you just have to help yourself to endure everything. I'll help you."

"I've tried.."

"No. You haven't tried with me. I will help you and bitch I promise you I'm not letting you hold any another blade or anything that could kill you. Trust me. I have been a total meanie with that dork earlier and I am not doing the same mistake again. Good thing I came looking for you or else I'm would've lose someone special. You became my first friend in this school and I don't want to lose you. Remember that." Jeongwoo immediately wrapped his arms around the older hugging him tight and crying his heart out.

"Thanks Asahi" the older hugged him back and caressed his hair, trying to calm the younger one. "I should be your protector but here I am crying in front of you."

"Tsk. Don't mind that. We can be each other's protector. Stop crying now." Jeongwoo pulled away and wiped his tears.

"Why did you look for me anyway? Is something up?" Asahi sat beside him and sighed.

"Jaehyuk's mad at me for liking Haruto." Jeongwoo's eyes widened. "Oh frick it." Jeongwoo likes Haruto himself! Why didn't I remember that? Asahi thought

"What did you say? You like MY Haruto? Yah Asahi.. Stay loyal to Jaehyuk."

"Whatever. Forget about what I said and listen to the fucking problem. Jaehyuk likes me and the dork is jealous of Haruto. Now, he's mad at me and he keeps on shouting at me. He's not being himself and I am fucking worried."

"I knew it! He really likes you!!" he clapped like a seal and smiled widely. Asahi admits, Asahi somewhat felt happy seeing Jeongwoo like this again. "But it's normal for vampires to be mad most of the time."

"Ani. You don't understand and I can't tell you why. Do you know what I can do to make him stop acting like that?"

"Talk to him."

"I already tried that and he shouted at me."

"Don't talk to him and give him space."

"I also did that but he came out of nowhere and did the talking to me."

"Then uncrush my Haruto."

"Yeah.. Not sure if I can. But I'll keep that in mind. Any other suggestions?"

"Wait. I've seen this in a movie once. The guy was mad at the girl because the girl got jealous and didn't talk to the guy. Then, the guy suddenly kissed her!! OMG!! Try doing that."

"Ew.. No. I might become a vampire if I do that."

"Huh. You have a point. But there's only like.. Fifteen percent chance if it's through kissing. But if he bites you, game over."

"You're not helping."

"Arrghh! I don't know anything about this! Ask me about My Little Pony and I'll answer anything."

"Not helping. But it's almost one. We should go." They stood up and ran to the dorm. "See you tomorrow woo."

"Thanks again hyung." The older hugged him and smiled before going to the opposite direction.

Asahi went upstairs and walked to their room. The hallway was dark, not a single light because it was past one. he suddenly heard footsteps. "Is someone here?" Maybe another ghost. he thought. he cleared his throat, giving echoes to the place.

he was slowly walking towards their room when he smelled something familiar. It's a perfume he always smells when he's close. "Jaehyuk- Ah!" he shouted when he felt his side getting stabbed. he looked around the place to see who did it but there was no one. His eyes started to close, a deafening high pitched sound was all he heard when he passed out.

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