Part 12

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Third person

"he loves me.. he loves me not. he loves me... he loves me not." Jaehyuk kept repeating those two lines the whole day while plucking one petal from a rose.

It's around seven in the morning when he woke up and Asahi wasn't there so he had the idea of doing this popular past time. he wouldn't know.

"Heol! he loves me!!" He happily jumped up and down on his bed while holding the stem of the rose. "Please be real!!" He suddenly lost balance when the door opened, revealing Asahi. "Wah. What happened to you?"

he was panting heavily while looking scared. "I.." the Japanese locked the door and jumped to his bed. "No!! This is not happening to me!"

Jaehyuk raised his eyebrow and sat on the edge of the younger's bed. Asahi covered his face with a pillow and shouted once again. What's happening to hi!? The Korean thought.

"No! No! No! No! No! No! No!! I can't.. Andwe!!" The Japanese rolled to the other side, his back facing the Korean "Jaehyuk!!"

"Wae?" The Korean grabbed the younger's left arm and made the younger face him, pulling the pillow from his face. "What happened? Did you get humiliated again?"

"No!!" The Japanese closed his eyes shut and grabbed on the sheets. "This is not happening to me.."

"Did someone curse you? Yah! Tell me who that fucker is and I'm gonna suck it's blood right now. Tell me!"

The Japanese opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. "I'm starting to like someone." Jaehyuk's eyes widened. "I can't believe I'm falling for a guy!!" The Japanese kept rolling until he fell off the bed. "FFFUUUCKKK!!"

Could it be me? The Korean had hopeful thoughts. Well.. The rose DID say the Japanese loves him. "W-who?"

"That Watanabe Haruto!" It was a muffled answer because of the thick blanket that covered the Japanese but still, the Korean heard his painful, ear-bleeding answer.


"You see.." the Japanese climed back on the bed and threw the blanket. "I was at the garden, talking with Jeongwoo when he suddenly came. He fucking sat beside me and smiled!! He knows what his smile can do and bitch I'm going loco for him now! Arrghhh!!" The Japanese fell on the bed and covered his face with a pillow, shouting bad words again.


"Wait." The younger sat down and held his shoulders. "Dorky bitch, did I hurt you?"

"A-ani. I'm a strong guy. No." Well, he lied. "But I'm more handsome than him. How did that happen?"

"He's cute." The younger replied and pouted. "Arrghh!!" The Japanese lied on the bed again and squirmed like a worm. "This is not Asahi!! I'm not like this! I hate guys!"

"Then uncrush him." The younger shook his head immediately.

"I wanted to. He's just too.. You know?! I can't explain it." Jaehyuk sighed and went back to his bed. "I really shouldn't talk to you about this."

"It's fine. At least you have someone who would listen to you."

"I can always talk to that gray haired unicorn, you know?" The Korean nodded and laid on his own bed. "Yah Jaehyuk. You're not jealous, right? Just tell me."

"Nope. I just got sleepy all of a sudden." The Korean closed his eyes and covered himself with his blanket. "Wake me up when it's five minutes to nine."


And after that, the whole room got silent. Asahi was able to realize what he just did and wanted to comfort the Korean but he was debating with himself. You're someone tough Asahi. Why would you try to do that? But he's too soft for shit. You can't just let him feel like that.

"Fine. Jaehyuk." The younger stood up and stood beside the elder's bed. "Yah Yoon Jaehyuk."

"It's not even close to nine yet. Go away and let me mourn." The Korean said with his sleepy voice.

"Forget about what I told you. It's not really THAT important right? It's just a simple crush. I'm sure it will go away."

"No it's not and it won't. Leave me alone Asahi."

"Yah Yoon Jaehyuk! I'm doing my best to make you feel better. Stop the drama and forget about it. It's not a big deal."

"Of course it fucking is!" The Japanese stepped back when the Korean was suddenly in front of him. The older's eyes were red and it's as if he was looking straight into the younger's soul.

"J-jaehyuk.." the Korean quickly closed his eyes and left the room. Asahi was left wide-eyed and surprised at what the elder did. The younger didn't know Jaehyuk could be someone like that.. He seemed like those cold-hearted and cruel vampires and it was totally different from the bubbly and dorky Jaehyuk the younger thought he knew. he realized,

The Korean can become a vicious vampire any second and if the Japanese is unlucky...he might become the elder's prey.


On the other side of Parailla, two guys were talking secretly deep in the Unlighted Forest. "Good thing you came." The older guy said.

"What do you want me to do again? I kept doing the things you asked me. I told him that I like him." The younger one said to him.

"Good. You're one obedient guy." He chuckled and held both of his shoulders. "Did he believe you?"

"I think so. But I'm starting to like him for real." He answered.

"No! You can't like him. That's the last thing that should happen. Gain his trust and stay close to him. That way he won't suspect you. You're one great actor! I'm impressed. Keep doing a great job. Soon we'll know his weaknesses and slowly kill him. he shouldn't have came back in Parailla."

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