Part 21

82 11 3

Third person POV

"Then you shouldn't have hugged me!" The Japanese pushed him away and locked the comfort room. "That fucker. Aiishhh!!"

On the other side of the room, Jaehyuk finished changing his pants and started unbuttoning his shirt and placed it on the dry sink near him. He was about to wear the clean shirt when he suddenly heard the younger screaming. "Asahi!" He broke the door and opened it.

"Jae-" the Japanese was getting choked by another red and black smoke. He quickly ran towards the younger making the smoke fly out of the door. Jaehyuk almost lost balance but he quickly caught the younger. Asahi was panting heavily and hugged the older

"I shouldn't leave you alone. You should stay out of dark places." The younger hugged him tighter, the younger's tears started to fall. "Asahi?" The Korean felt the younger's head rest on his shoulder. "Asahi?!" He pulled away and saw the younger unconscious. "Asahi!" The Korean quickly carried the Japanese and took him to the high sorcerer

"Jaehyuk. What happened to him? And why on earth are you shirtless?"

"he was changing in the restroom when another black witch tried to kill him. I was also changing at the restroom next to it when I heard him shout." The high sorcerer touched the younger's forehead. "Is he alright?"

"I don't think so." He turned to Jaehyuk who looks terrified at the moment. "It's the curse. It's weakening."

"Curse? he was cursed?"

"he was cursed when he was a newborn child. It's for him not to find out his powers. It's too dangerous for him in the human world. But his powers are starting to grow stronger. It's trying to break out because of what happened. The black witch must have triggered him that much."

"Will he be okay?" The high sorcerer sighed. "Why? Don't tell me he won't wake up for weeks again."

"I'm afraid so. It's his powers. It'll slowly killing him if he won't use it."

"Then just let him use the goddamn powers! What are you guys scared of that you had to curse him!?"

"His powers are beautiful, Jaehyuk. It's just that if he doesn't use it well.. he might harm himself. That's why I'm asking for your help. How was he?"

"Like what you said. he's kind but he doesn't show it often. And Tara.. The light unicorn.. It sensed kindness in him." The high sorcerer smiled and nodded.

"Keep guiding him. Stay with him Jaehyuk. he needs you the most in Parailla." His expression softened.

"I will." The high sorcerer patted his shoulder and left. Jaehyuk leaned closer to the Japanese and caressed his face. "Stay strong Asahi because whatever happens, I will always stay and protect you." He planted a soft kiss on the younger's forehead and brushed his hair.

On the other side of the story, Jeongwoo was trying to write a song for Haruto when a guy he's not familiar with sat beside him. "Annyeong." He greeted.

"Oh. Hi there." The tanned skin smiled at him and stopped writing. "I was just.. Writing a song for Valentine's Day. You are?"

"Kun." He answered and smiled at the tanned skin. "Who are you writing for? That guy must be so lucky."

Jeongwoo sighed and closed his journal. "Ahh.. No.. Not really.. I'm bad at writing songs. I don't even think he'll like it. But I'm still trying!" He said not so cheerfully.

"You know? I kind of wrote a song for you." Jeongwoo widened his eyes and smiled at the unknown person

"Me?" He nodded and took a paper from his pocket. He unfolded it and gave it to the tanned skin. "Aw.. That's so sweet of you."

"I like you." The tanned skin quickly looked at him, surprised.

"What?!" Jeongwoo's voice echoed, letting everyone in the place know. Kun just chuckled at the tanned skin reaction.

"But I know you like Haruto for years. There are a lot of other guys Jeongwoo. It's not just him. You have to open your heart for someone else too." The tanned skin looked down at the paper. "'Cause if you keep liking someone who doesn't like you, you'll end up hurting."

The tanned skin took a deep breath and sighed. "Hope I can. It was always him since day one but I couldn't get over him."

"Will you let me help you?" Jeongwoo was about to nod when they were interrupted by Haruto's shout.

"Hey Jeongwoo!" He ran towards them. "Can you help me find something?" The tanned skin turned to Kun and he was looking down. The tanned skin then turned to Haruto, then back to Kun.

"I.. I'll read this." The sun kissed Korean said and stood up. "Thanks for accompanying me Kun and nice to meet you too. See you around." The tanned skin smiled and waved goodbye. The tanned skin can finally talk with Haruto. it was something he always wished for. he can't let that opportunity go away. "What were you looking for?"

"I think I lost my sling bag. I kept looking for it the whole day but it seems like it was stolen or something."

"It's not in your dorm?" He shook his head. "Did you check the classrooms?"

"Not yet. Can you help me find it?" The tanned skin nodded and they went to the hallway. "I'll check the ones on the left." The Japanese said and went inside one classroom.

Classes were over and everyone was preparing to go to dinner so it was only the both of them left. Jeongwoo went inside Mr. Kim's classroom and looked for a sling bag inside. he suddenly noticed a black bag at the back. "Here it is." he quickly took it. On his way out, a letter was suddenly dropped. "What's this?" he picked it up and out of curiosity, he read what's written. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"Jeongwoo?" he quickly kept it and left.

"I found this inside Mr. Kim's classroom. Is this the one you're looking for?" The tanned skin gave it to him.

"Phew. I thought someone stole it. Thanks for helping me find this. Are you going to the dinning room?"

"I was waiting for Asahi hyung but he didn't come. I guess something happened to him again. Good thing Jaehyuk hyung is always there to look after him tho I'm the one who is assigned to protect him. Aigoo.."

"I'll eat with you instead. You can eat at our table, my family wouldn't mind."

"What?" Did he just-? "I mean it's okay.. You don't have to."

"Tch. Don't be shy." The older held the younger's hand making the younger widen his eyes and gulp. "Let's go." They left the main hall with their intertwined hands and Jeongwoo couldn't think straight! WHAT DO I DO?! he kept repeating in his head.

They went inside the place and just like what the Japanese told him, the Korean sat with the older's kind. "H-hi.. Everyone.."

"You're old Loren's granddaughter, am I right?" The tanned skin nodded and looked down. The older's mom was talking to him and he couldn't believe it. "Our condolences. We heard what happened."

"Thank you. But I'm moving on. I have Asahi hyung to help me with my issues." The Japanese's mom smiled and nodded at him.

After seconds of waiting, their food came and Jeongwoo was living his fairytale, sitting beside his long time crush.

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