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Charlize ended up having high fever for fighting the poison and unconscious for three days straight. Dylan has already calm down and help Eleane replace the wet towel and place it on her forehead to reduce the heat.

Since the stubborn boy didn't want to leave, Eleane had no choice but to being him the food to the bedroom so he wouldn't starved. It took so much effort to make him sleep and let her take turn.

Besides that, Eleane didn't change the way he sleep besides the bed in uncomfortable position just to hold Charlize hand and wait for her to wake up.

Today, Charlize eyes finally open. While she was confused at her surrounding, Eleane lazily peel an apple for her and casual greet her without lifting her eyes up.

"Enjoy your rest?"

Charlize weakly look at Eleane in suprise since she still daze to notice her, when she want to rub her head she felt her hand being held by a warm arm.

She look besides Eleane where Dylan fell asleep while hugging her hand like his life depending on it.

She turn back to the older girl."How long have i been asleep?" Eleane put fown the knife seeing she finnish the peel and give Charlize water for her sore throat.

"Three days." She help Charlie stable on the bed to half sit so she wouldn't get dizzy for the sudden getting up.

Charlize avoid Eleane angry eyes. She knew how much in trouble she was.

Eleane sit back and cross ger arms."Did you have fun playing dead?" Charlize wince at her cold tone."I am not going to ask why in hell you try to bribe your way to get what you want this way but for lord sake!" Charlize flinch at the sudden yell.

"Have you ever think about the people around you? Do you have any idea how long i took to make this stubborn boy eat his food just because his master hasn't eat too?" She squint at the girl who bow her head in shame.

Eleane soften her face."I'm worried too Charlize, don't ever do that again. Ever."
It's pretty useless to say that since there's going to be more trouble this world cause for her for her dear revenge.

She pat her arm and give her the skinless apple. Charlize look up at her in suprise.

Although Eleane rambling and keep scolding her, her gaze always soften and gentle. She couldn't help feel warmth by the thought someone actually care for her that they actually angry when she's being reckless.

Charlize give her big smile."Thank you, i apologize for worrying you. I'll try to be more careful." She couldn't promise anything since this isn't any normal mission. But there's no harm trying.

Eleane nod with her still strict face."As long as you come back in one piece, that's more than enough for Dylan." She said.

Later, minute before Dylan woke up Eleane excuse her self out.

She change her clothes with the maid help and walk to the specific place Dylan restricted except him, Charlize, and Eleane.

She picked up several rose and put at the front figure.

Eleane smile."Good morning, Your highness."

In front of her, is the tombstone of the 7th concubine.

Yes. She did fulfil her promises for letting her live for few years, but few months before Dylan announced as the crown prince the 7th concubine said her last good bye to him.

Because the grief keep pressing down him, the coronation delayed for few days. The emperor didn't mind since he know how important the 7th concubine to Dylan and he tolerate that woman for quite a while.

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