bad news.

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Something came up suddenly. My hand somehow got some kind if weird infection that i had to do surgery. Right now I'm in the emergency waiting for my mom finished register.

I might be have to go strict resting after this. I don't know when will I'll be able to write again, maybe after weeks or so, idk.

For some of you don't know, my arms is currently having a broken bone due to helping my dad putting big AC(more like giant size of fan) and one lead to another, i hade my intrusive thought taken control when it fall off.

Turns out the fan broke a piece and it stab inside my arm, causing it infected and swollen like you just git sting by a bee. The doctor had no choice but open my cast and do some surgery. This is probably why i got constant fever.

It's not fun, not only i had to wait three months for healing arm go wasted, now this came up.

Wish me luck guys(╥﹏╥)

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