She Still Gets Jealous

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hallo :)


"Y/N!" Dinah frowned. I laughed.

"Dinah!" I mimicked. Dinah was trying to teach me how to play basketball because she thought I didn't know how, considering I seem skinnier than Camila. Seem. I have muscle, but no one believes that because I love wearing baggy clothing, so everyone picks on me nowadays.

Thing is, I was captain of my basketball team. I may be clumsy, but I have game.

And now, we were having a short game up till 20 points, and I keep winning. Out of all games we've played, the score was 6-5. We have one more game to play. Dinah wants to win so badly because fans are watching us, but I decided I'm not going to be nice to her due to the fact she wrote 'Buy #WorthIt on iTunes', a dick on my cheek, and 'Camren4life' on my other cheek whilst I was asleep on my forehead, and we went shopping the whole day.

"C'mon! Cheer me on guys!" Dinah fake pouted to the group of fans that sat on the grass. I got really hot and sweaty, so I decided to pull Lauren's hoodie of of me, placing it next to my water bottle. I then lifted my muscle tee, having it stuck to myself due to all of the sweat. 

"Holy shit..." I hear some of the fans whisper/yell. I smirked.

"Dude, you were serious when you said you have muscle. And I said I praised Moni's abs..." Dinah said, her eyes plastered onto my torso area. I rolled my eyes.

"It's announced! Fifth Harmony is bullying me because they thought I have no abs! Someone help me!" I yelled, running over to the fans, and sitting right next to them. A girl poked my stomach and squealed. "Damn mama how'd you get that?" Another girl asked. I giggled.

"In high school I was captain of the basketball team and I played volleyball and football. I guess I magically got this," I joked. "Hey Y/L/N c'mon I wanna beat your ess! Get back here!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh Hansen you know you're gonna lose anyways, stop trying." I teased. Dinah stole the ball from me and tried to shoot a 3 pointer, but I jumped and blocked it, ran to Dinah's end and shot the 3 pointer. I fist bumped the air, doing a small victory dance.

"Okay Y/L/N, I'm not gonna be mad at you because you look pretty cute from
here." Dinah chuckled, wrapping her arms around my torso area. "I'm a Cabello for a reason BAH FELICIA!" I yelled, running away from Dinah and jumping back into the group of fans who were watching us play. A girl took out her phone and took a selfie, her blushing as I kissed her cheek, my arms wrapped around her neck as I sat in her lap.

"Can I post this?" I giggled nodding. "Tag Lauren. I wanna see her reaction."

I smirked as she put random heart emojis, and tagged Lauren.

"Watch." I murmured to the harmosexuals (jkjkjk), leaning back, my palms holding me up.

"Y/N Y/M/N CABELLO." My eyes widened as it was my older sister Camila's voice. "A Cabello is not that low when they are trying to make someone jealous." She walked up to me. What surprised me most it that she  smirked.

"And that was very low. Step up your game, JC." There was a group of "oooooh's" and a bunch of giggles, Dinah's included, as I blushed.

"I mean, if you wanna get your Cabello ess whooped," Dinah coughed, making me glare at her.

"Y/N!" Lauren yelled. My eyes widened. "Shoot, bye guys I'm out." I quickly got up and before I even took a step to run I was placed on Lauren's shoulder.

"Get some!" A girl yelled, making Dinah die in laughter.

Okay. One thing. Lauren gets jealous easily, and the only two ways she'll take it on me is by getting mad at me or sex. Honestly I like the second option better.

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