Chapter 1

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Selena's POV

I am currently sitting on the floor of my so called parents house, scrubbing the tiles trying to get one stubborn stain out.

This may or may not sound weird but I was adopted for the money that the orphanage gives Andrea and Freddie (The couple that adopted me) monthly to help with my upbringing until I turn 18. I'm only 17 and within 2 weeks I'll be turning 18 so I wonder what they'll do to me, maybe put me on the streets, at least I'll be free. But the thing is that Andrea and Freddy aren't that poor like they put themselves, they're middle class. Andrea is a nurse and Freddie is a carpenter.

They have two daughters, Crystal and Gabby. Crystal is 16 and takes after her gold digging parents while Gabriella is only 5 and is the sweetest person in the house.

According to Andrea, Freddie and Crystal thinks I'm the personal maid. Here's my daily routine-wake up, cook, school, come home, clean, sleep.

"Hey Selly" Gabriella's voice echoed as she ran towards me.

"Careful" I said referring to the wet floor. When she reached me she handed me a paper.

"Look what I did today" she said pointing to a picture of a tree with a lot of fruits on it.

"It's beautiful Gabby" I smiled as she pecked my cheek."Go watch TV "I said as she ran towards the living room,I continued scrubbing the tiles and finally it was clean.

" Where's that bitch?!!"I heard Crystal shout.I nervously got up since I knew she was referring to me.

"Did, you went into my room?" she asked holding her purse. Crystal is one of those stereo type popular girls with blonde hair and everything, in fact the entire family has blonde hair.

"Yeah, but only to collect your laundry" I said.

"You stole my money, you're a freaking thief" she shouted. You see, I'm used to these words, whore, slut, bitch, worthless and now thief.

She began to charge at me and slapped me hard across the face.

"Cwystal, stop!" Gabriela said with tears flowing out of her eyes.

She held up her fist again but I stopped her. There was no use arguing with her.

She then backed away from me in shock. Suddenly Andrea came into view.

"Mom! she stole my money" Crystal whined.

"What?" Andrea screamed before coming up in my face and punching me straight in my jaw.

"Freddie" she called. "Selena stole Crystal's money" she complained to Freddie.

"Fucking Bitch" he growled and threw a punch straight into my stomach, knocking the wind out of me and I fell to the floor. My eyes were getting weary. Suddenly I felt Andrea kick me in my stomach one last time.

"Get to your fucking room"

I looked up and saw all of them looking at me. Crystal held a devious smirk while holding a crying Gabriela.

I got up and went into the place I called a room, it was small.I sat on the side of the bed and took out my backpack. Tears were already flowing out of my eyes.

I took out the shiny metal that I was looking for. I know why I did this, it helps cope with the pain, I have no one to turn to, they don't understand.

By now, tears just continuously flowed from my eyes. I hated it, I added to the ladder of cuts on my left hand. This is the part where it feels so good.

After creating 9 new cuts, I took out a tissue and wiped off the blood, since I learned that washing immediately causes it to burn and even encourage more flow of blood.

I put back the blade in my backpack. Tomorrow's school, I like being in school rather than being at home even though I'm like a nobody, seriously, no one wants to talk to me period. Luckily Crystal doesn't come to my school.

The next morning I woke up not realizing that I slept on the floor. I groaned from the pain caused last night as I stretched.

I brushed my teeth and did my normal routines in the morning.I wore an old faded jeans and a plain white t shirt with a long sleeve sweater along with my worn out sneakers. What do you expect, that's what I've got?

I headed off to school after sneaking a goodbye from Gabby. I don't usually eat breakfast at home, on the walk to school, there is an apple tree that has one branch hanging over the fence and I reach for an apple every morning since it never seems to finish, on some days I skip lunch and give here to pick an apple or just pick an extra one for lunch.

I entered the lawns and began going for my first period which was arts. I began walking through the halls and papers were being thrown to me and I heard their comments.

'Ew, who dresses like that'
'Is she even alive?'
'Be careful, I heard she stole her parents money'

After successfully waking the halls without being hurt physically, even though it never happened but I was afraid it would, I went to the class and sat down in one of the seats way at the back.

Soon the class was told that it was a free period because our teacher was absent.

I laid my head on the desk and found myself sleeping. After what seemed like 5 minutes,I felt a tap on my shoulders.I looked around and saw the classroom was empty, then I looked up at the person who trapped my shoulders. It was Mr Bieber, our PE teacher that recently joined our school last month. Oh shit, now is PE!!

"I'm sorry" I said as I got up.

"No it's fine, but you can't miss this class because it contributes to your scores" he said and I nodded. "You have to wear your sports wear."

I once again nodded before heading to my locker and taking out the yellow PE t shirts and a 3/4 way pants. Usually the pants are short and navy blue but I choose to wear the longer pants because I'm ashamed of what I do to myself.

I walked into the gym where everyone was. They were in a line as Mr Bieber watched them do certain exercises. This was going to take long because I was at the back of the line which consisted of 46 students.


AN: Sooo... Mr Bieber's the PE teacher.
What do you think?

And I'm so sorry for putting Selena self harming even though she actually hates it for real, but the story is supposed to be dark and I need ideas too.

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