Chapter 43

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Jason's POV

"Oh my god" Selena said as we passed a pet shop. I looked at her and saw she was eyeing a little orange gold kitten that was in a cage on the outside of the pet shop.

We had just finished eating at Pizza Hut and we were now going back to my car and we also happened to pass by the pet shop.

"It's so pretty" she began rubbing the cat's head as it lovingly accepted her petting. Should we adopt it?

"You want us to adopt it" I randomly glanced around at all the passerby.

"Really? Yes let's take it" she said excitedly.

We walked into the pet shop and and up to one of the sales representative.

"Hey, we're interested in the kitten outside" I said.

The girl nodded."It's a girl, she's 6 weeks old, I'll go get the paper "she said and went inside for something as another employee went to take out the kitten.

I then looked around and saw something unfamiliar. A man stood outside of the pet shop, my focus was broken when the girl came back and discussed some things. I wasn't really paying any attention so I handed Selena my credit card.

I looked back at the man, he was dressed in all black outfit and the hoodie came over his face hiding his identity then I looked at his hand which was jammed into his pocket.

I took hold of Selena's arm and pulled her out of the store with her holding the cat and a bag which probably contained it's food.

" What is going on Jason? "she asked when we reached the car.

" Nothing "I then saw the guy raise his gun and aimed it towards us. I swiftly pushed Selena in the car and dodged the bullet. I ran over to my side and started the car, another gunshot was heard and Selena slightly screamed. Luckily my windows were bullet proof.

I swerved out and began driving on the main road. I looked back in the rearview mirror and saw two other cars were following us. I increased the speed trying to mix in with the other cars so that it would be difficult to find me and they would have to slow down.I knew exactly who was chasing me.

After driving for a few minutes when we were on a clear road, I slowed down and when I looked over at Selena, she had the cat secured in her arms, eyes wide open.

"Jason! What the hell is going on?" She asked, panic filling her voice.

Before I could've answered her, another shot was heard. The fucking bastards are right behind us. They kept shooting at my car. I had decided to do something.

"Selena, I need you to drive" I said as she looked even more panicked.

"I-I don't know to drive, I've never-"

"I know, but you need to right now, Just hold the steering wheel." I told her.

"But I-"

"Selena" I said as another shot was heard. She hesitantly nodded and placed the kitten on the floor of the car. We then exchanged seats and I grabbed two of my pistols from under the back seats.

I held the steering wheel for a while guiding Selena, as she got familiar with the average.I rolled down the passengers window and aimed the gun at one of the wheels causing the car to sway from side to side and crashed into another one. Great only two more to go.

"Jason!" I heard Selena yell.

I was about to shoot once again but I dodged a bullet which eventually grazed my car.Fuckers.

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