Chapter 11

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Selena's POV

I quietly made my way to his room.I saw him lying on the bed, I couldn't tell if he was asleep or not because his back was facing me. I turned around about to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked from behind me. I turned back and saw he was lying on his side looking at me.

"Uh" I tried to think of an answer.

"Get beside me" he said.I found myself shaking as I walked towards the bed.

When I laid on the bed-at a very far distance-, I turned my back from him. Suddenly I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pulled me closer. My breathing quickened, he then leaned down for a blanket and wrapped it over our cold bodies. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down since I was shaking.

"Calm down and go to sleep" I heard him mumble and tightened his hold.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes and was met with the bright light of the sun shining throughout the room, even through the curtains are a dark burgundy color.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that Jason wasn't on the bed.

I slowly got out of the bed and headed in his bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my business then went back to make up the bed.

I went into the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

"I've gone to do something important, be back when I'm finished. PS, don't try anything stupid. ;-) -Jason"

I scoffed throwing it in the bin and made some French toast. After eating the toasts,I walked into the fridge and took out a carton of almond milk and poured it in a glass then drank it. I then decided to take a quick shower.

I stripped out of my clothes and threw them in the wash basket.I grabbed the blade and headed into the shower while untangling my hair from the messy nest on my head.

I looked at the blade in the palm of my hands and weakly smiled at the sight. Sometimes I just crave the need to cut, the pain is bittersweet. I watched the small beads of blood appear along the lines on my skin, there were about 15 new cuts on the insides of my left leg. Shaking my head pathetically, I began running the blade inside my right thighs.

There was blood on the tiles in the bathroom so I put on the shower and allowed the water to drain the red color away.

I then began to wash my skin, I was about to use his axe shampoo until I saw a Garnier Shampoo.I poured some into my hands and began massaging my scalp.

After taking a fifteen minute shower, I put back the razor in its original hiding spot and dried my skin avoiding too much pressure on the newly made cuts.

I went into the closet taking out a fresh pair of underwear and bra then slipped it on.I began applying the lotion that Jason gave me to remove the scars.

When I was closing the tube, a hand went over mine making me jump but I sighed when I saw familiar tattoos.

"Are they going away?" his rough yet raw voice said.I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He then held my arms and spun me around to face him. "Your scars" he said seriously.

"Oh,. um" I said looking down. "Yeah, they are" I said remembering I was only in bra and undies.I backed away picking up the towel and covering the front of my body.

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