Chapter 41

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Selena's POV.

I walked out of the bathroom and flung my wet hair to the side trying to towel dry it, I glanced up at the mirror.

I let out a gasp as I saw a huge purple mark on my neck. I touched it to see if it would somehow go away but instead it was sore.I then realized it was Jason, yesterday in his car. I smiled a bit remembering the incident.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jason was still peacefully sleeping. I went over to the walk in closet and took out a normal knee length spaghetti strap dress. I then noticed a familiar makeup pouch on a shelf. It was Ashley's, she must've forgotten to take it back.

I opened it and took out the powdered foundation and applied it to my neck. It did not cover it up completely but it couldn't be noticed from a far distance.

I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. I made pancakes and I also made coffee since I realized Jason started his day with coffee.

Suddenly the buzz sounded, I looked up at the clock and saw the time, it was minutes to nine.

I looked out of the window and saw Ashley's car in front of the gates. I put in the pass code and a few minutes later I opened the door to a puffy eyed Ashley.

"What's wrong?"I asked as she broke down.I closed the door and led her towards the couch.

" Selena,I don't know what to do, he'll be so mad "she said as I handed her tissues that was on the coffee table.

" What's wrong Ashley?"I asked smoothing her hair.

"Um, it's-where's Jason?" she asked looking around.

"He's still asleep" I said.

"Oh um, Ryan, well we...." she took a deep breath in. "I'm pregnant."

I didn't know whether to feel happy or worried for her. She was clearly upset because of this news.

"Does Ryan know?"I asked but she silently shook her head.

" I don't-it's just unexpected and we haven't planned something like this,I don't know what to do"She said.

"Well I think you should go tell him immediately, you don't know how he's going to react and then you two can make it work out" I said to her. Ugh, I'm terrible at giving advise. At that moment Jason came downstairs in sweatpants and bed hair.

"What's up" he said in a raspy voice -that I found attractive- when he noticed Ashley.

"Girl problems" i said. "There's breakfast for you in the kitchen" I added.

"Did you eat?" he asked me as I shook my head.

"Well I'm going to take a shower" he said and went back upstairs.

"Seems you and someone had a great time last night" Ashley said teasingly eyeing my neck. This is what I love about her, she has her own problems but ends up lightening the mood.

"oh,um we. Our relationship isn't what you think it is, Jason and I aren't that close" I said. Her facial expression turned to confusion.

"What? but I thought-"

"I know what you thought but we have a complicated relationship" I said to her. "Would you like something to eat?"

"No, I'm going home and telling him I'm pregnant with his goddamn child" she said smiling and got up,I got up and hugged her and soon after she left.

I sighed and walked back into the living room. I can't believe it, Ashley's pregnant. Wow.

"You ready to eat?" Jason's voice snapped me out from my thoughts.

His hair was still slightly wet, it seems he didn't bother blow drying it. I nodded and we went to the kitchen.

He took his pancakes and I took mine and we both drizzled maple syrup on it to enjoy it even more.

After I was finished eating, I drank some coffee. I glanced up at Jason and he curved his finger calling me towards him.

I curiously got beside him and he pulled me to stand between his legs while he was sitting on the kitchen stool.

He gently kissed me. Suddenly I felt something rub on my neck, it was on that same spot. I pulled away and saw Jason was wiping off the makeup with his thumb.

"You shouldn't hide what marks you" he said huskily. That means he did it purposely.

"Why shouldn't I" I decided to play around.

"Because... " he trailed off and his fingers dragged an unknown pattern at the sides of my face. Our eyes were locked onto each others.

Out of nowhere, he got up and walked away. To be honest, I was disappointed. I wanted him back.

A/N: I'm terribly sorry for the late update, I didn't update last week because I had Easter term test. Plus this is a short chapter.

Btw, are any of you going to Purpose World Tour or Revival World Tour? I'm not cuz they aren't coming to my country. Tbh I think no one knows about Guyana.

Anyways vote and comment.♥♥

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