Bonus ▶Justin's POV◀ Chapter 16

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Justin's POV

To be honest, I've never been too into these games, I thought it was stupid. I only got it installed in her phone so that she wouldn't get bored.

Yeah, I gave her a phone... but only to call me, but she doesn't know that. I've programmed it so that she can only call me but if she does call another number, I will be there first to know.

The game she 'challenged' me to, wasn't that easy as it seemed, as you kept on playing, it got faster...

I let out a groan when I didn't tap fast enough for the guy to jump. Selena took the phone looking at my score with a smile... it was good to see she's in a good mood.

"This is how a boss does it" she said confidently but within a minute she lost.

"A boss huh?" I replied taking it back from her. For some reason I wanted to beat her high score.

I played a new game and really tried to concentrate on winning her. From the corner of my eyes I saw Selena get up but I knew if I looked up I would lose once again.

After a few minutes in playing I heard I loud burp, immediately, I looked in the direction from which it came and saw Selena with a champagne and a champagne glass next to her. I lost the game but I didn't care.I walked towards her as a smile played on her face... what the hell was wrong with her? By eyes then shifted to the champagne bottle next to her and I was really hoping I was thinking wrong.

I read the label and it was strawberry flavored champagne with 13% alcohol. Then I picked up the glass and smelled it and it was of your normal alcohol contained champagne but with a hint of strawberry.

I looked at her in realization and she started giggling.

"You're cute but always so mean" she said without thinking.

"Oh god you're drunk" I sighed thinking of what to do next. Without warning, she snatched the glass from my hand and ran onto the sofa and stood on her knees. She couldn't consume any more. I began walking towards her, faster when I saw her drink some, but she jumped off the chair and went back to the table by the time I reached her.

She drank all down then placed the glass onto the table and picked up the champagne bottle, so I quickly made me way towards her and held the bottle before she could've drank any. Now both of our hands held onto the bottle.

"Have some, it tastes great" she said innocently. She looked so light and stress free as if nothing in the world mattered.

But I needed to get rid of it. I nodded my head and her grip loosened but instead I carried it to the sink and threw it all away.

I heard a whimper but I didn't look back at her, instead she walked up to me... and began banging her fists on my chest with tears rolling down her face. The sight made me regret throwing it away but it was only for five seconds before I held her hands stopping her.

"It tasted-so... good... you-you had to.... ru-in the fun" She said stumbling upon her words.

"Hey calm down... that stuff isn't good for you" I said holding her shoulders in order to control her.

"Nothing th-at's fun is g-good for you" she said folding her arms and pouting like a child. What does she even know about fun? That isn't fun... Well to some it may be, but not her... because it was her first time getting drunk. I was sure.

"Really? Do you find cutting your skin fun? Is it good for you? huh"I said as she pushed me away.

"You have- n... no flipping right.... to ju-just shout at me you butthole...You shouldn't have a problem as to why I hurt myself... that's my-my problem"she began walking away but I held her wrists stopping her.

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