Chapter 25

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Selena's POV.

Its been two days since we have visit Mariah and it has been bugging me to go visit her and take her out of the hospital so that she can spend some time with her son.

So I finally gained the courage to ask Jason to go out with Ashley.Ashley knew how I wanted to see Mariah so she decided on helping me.

So Jason finally agreed and I hailed a cab and met Ashley at a nearby coffee shop next to the hospital. We then began walking towards the hospital.

I went to the receptionist's desk and told her I was here to Mariah and she nodded her head telling me it was okay to visit her.

I finally turned the last corner to her room and opened the door. I noticed the heart monitor wasn't beeping, instead it was a flat line. Worry filled my mind as I got closer to Mariah and saw her eyes were closed. I then saw Ashley put her index and thumb finger towards her neck and gasped.

"Oh my god" she said and pressed the button for a doctor. Tears immediately sprang to my eyes as I took in that Mariah was already gone. She didn't even get to hold her son at to say a final goodbye.

I would take her place any day, she had a reason to live, unlike me. Her son had became her world the second he was born. She had someone to live for and now I feel like I have taken her reason.

A few minutes later the doctor came and clarified that she had passed sometime earlier this morning. Ashley had somehow convinced me to leave the hospital then we went to our respective homes.

As I was on the patio putting in the code, Jason had opened the door, dressed in his usual suit and tie.

I avoided eye contact and went to walk pass him but he stopped me.

"Why did you go to the hospital?" he asked, how did he know that?

"For personal reasons" I said folding my arms not really wanting to put up with his attitude.

"You went to see Mariah" he stated.

"And what if I did huh? Does it bother you?" I snapped really getting angry.

"I don't want you seeing her anymore" he said.

"Well guess what?... I won't because she's already füçkïng dead" I shouted a bit surprised because I have never really sworn.

"Don't use that tone with me! and it's good she's gone" he said making me blood boil.

"Listen here, not because you want to play a smart ass means everyone is going to bow down to your fücking sorry ass feet, you're just a jackass that can't seem to realize that the entire fùckiñg world doesn't revolve around you... Mariah couldn't enjoy her last days because of prickhead like you-"

"Shut the fuçk up" he said clenching his jaw along with his fists. At this point I really didn't care what he did, he was heartless. Within a few seconds he slammed the door and walked out of the house leaving me with tears pouring out of my eyes.

I decided that one little cut wouldn't hurt as I began going towards the bathroom. As the blade was about to touch my skin, Jacob had given off one loud wail. I immediately dropped the blade and ran towards his crib which was in Jason's room.

I picked the crying baby up in my arms and he immediately stopped crying and I also saw the love he had in his eyes we when he looked up at me.

I chuckled and went down into the kitchen with him and prepared his milk. Then he drank it all out after which I turned on the television to Elmo.Jacob seemed really interested in the show and he watched me in amusement when I would sing along to some of the songs.

This continued and we later played on his playmat until it was noon and I noticed Jason still hadn't returned. Was he really that pissed?


Jason's POV.

I had attended one meeting with my gang and Selena's attitude just got me on the wrong side. She spoke to me like I was her dog or something.

I decided to get high with the aim of letting loose of steam,if I didn't, there would be an increase in the death rate.

So I headed to this underground club and immediately a waitress came up to me, she was small framed but she had huge breasts.

"Sir, is there anything you would like help with?" she asked biting her lips. Drugs and sex,a wonderful combination.

"Do me a favor and wait in the upstairs room, I gotta get something" I said smacking her ass as she giggled. I rolled my eyes and went to the bar. The bartender noticed my presence and I gave him the hand signal and he nodded understanding my message.

A few minutes the bartender returned with a tray and headed up to the main room/office.

I went after gulping down a shot.I opened the huge doors and saw that the girl I asked to come up was sitting already in her bra and panties.

I made my way over to the white bag and opened it and made a line and simply used a straw to get it in my nostrils, after a few lines of coke was in my body,I felt so damn fuckîng good.

I motioned for the girl to come to me.

"What's your name?" I asked when she had straddled my lap.

She let out a giggle."The name's Dannika"she said and began grinding on my hardening dick and began unzipping my pants then later got rid of her own clothing.

Now this is freedom. An escape of the world.

A/N: So, I should probably run and hide....*runs off*

I'm very grateful of your feedback and I love you all for your support. So yeah, thanks !! xx

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