Chapter 33

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Selena's POV

The gang had been over a lot since the past week. I don't have a problem with anyone of them, especially not Alfredo and Ryan since they're really nice to me. Alex on the other hand, always push me out of the way or throws death glares anytime he sees me. Of course Jason is oblivious to Alex's attitude towards me.

I was in the kitchen tidying up and recently took out the chocolate cake that Ashley and I baked, she's outside hanging with Ryan and the guys.

I began frosting the cake after it cooled down a bit. After frosting it, I placed it on the counter and same time Alex came into the kitchen.

I avoided eye contact as he muttered something under his breath, he went into the fridge for a bottle of water. I began walking out of the kitchen trying to avoid any trouble.

But he grabbed my upper arm really hard and slammed me by the fridge making me also hit my head.

"Listen here you little bitch, you think you're an important part of this gang, you would never be... you're just a useless piece of shit. No one wants you, you nearly killed Jason.... a stupid ugly bitch that's just causing problems in everyone's life, Jason must be trying so hard not to kill you. What are you here for? huh? The money? The House? Sex? That's it right? You're a gold digging fat whore that's just using him... first of all, lose some weight before considering anything if not, drink some poison and kill yourself!" He whispered shouted so that no one could hear. He once again shoved me towards the fridge and left.

By now I was in tears. No one has ever told me something that harsh, not even Andrea and Freddie.

I left the kitchen and ran upstairs to Jason's room that we were not using because of his inability to walk. I mean he's getting some feeling in his foot and can put some pressure on it so he's getting there.

I sat on his bed and bawled my eyes out. He was right, I am a obstacle in Jason's life, I have no place in here and I've gotten fat. I can see it on my stomach.I have the craving to cut so bad. I began pulling at my hair and hit myself on my stomach and thighs.

I kept telling myself no but I just couldn't. I ran into the bathroom and tried to find one of Jason's shavers but was met with disappointment. I sat on the cold tiles shaking frantically as I tried holding in my loud sobs.

I could hear Ashley's voice faintly calling for me from the kitchen. I placed my hand over my mouth to avoid screaming out. Because that's what I wanted to do, Scream. Scream everything away.


"Hey Selena!! where were you?" Ashley asked as I walked out to where everyone was.

"Oh, I um fell asleep for a while then ended up taking a shower" I said faking a smile.

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