Chapter 9

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Selena's POV

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed one of the huge fluffy towels and wrapped it around my body. I slowly opened the bathroom door and saw no one was in the bedroom.

I walked into the closet and dried my skin,I put on underwear and bra then looked at the fading cream. I squeezed some into the palm of my hand and rubbed it onto the insides of my arms where most of the cuts were.

I then took more and applied it on my stomach and insides of my legs. It gave a nice cooling effect. I then put on a black sweatshirt and a red baggy t shirt.

I looked at the clock and saw the time was 16:00 so I laid on the bed and ended up dozing off.


I opened my eyes and realized that I slept for two hours because it was 18 hours.I had never slept that much in my entire life, well maybe except when I was in the orphanage.

I got up and went downstairs only to find it empty, so I decided to eat something since I wasn't comfortable with eating while he watches me.

I went into the refrigerator and took out the bottle of mayonnaise and climbed onto the cabinets for the tin of tuna. I made a tuna sandwich for myself and out of nowhere I made one for Jason.

I sat at the kitchen island on a high stool and devoured it completely, when I was finished, I put Jason's sandwich in the microwave and began cleaning the not-so-dirty kitchen.

I didn't even know when he came in, what alerted me was his raspy voice.

"What are you doing?" he asked making me turn around in fright.

"Um-I... was just. cleaning up after myself." I said not looking at him.

"Ok, you already ate?" Jason asked and I looked up and nodded meekly.I saw he was in his clothes he usually wears for school; blue jeans and white/black button up shirt.

I decided to play nice, hoping that if he sees my proper behavior, he might have some sort of sympathy and let me go. I walked over to the microwave and took out his tuna sandwich and gave it to him. I looked at his face and saw he had a softened look.

"I need to take a shower first, you can watch some television in the meantime" he said and I nodded and went into the living room and sat on the incredibly soft sofa.

I turned on the television and switched it until I came onto a show; Family Guy. I've never seen it before, hell I haven't even turned on a television in a long time.

It was about a family, weird family though. Anyways about 10 minutes in the show Jason came back downstairs and sat beside me with the tuna sandwich and eating.

"Thanks" He gruffly said.

"You're welcome" I said still keeping my eyes on the television.

"Look, I know what I did today was wrong and I also know that you don't wanna be here... but I did what I thought was right" he said trying to explain. I nodded.

"I hate when people avoid looking at me when I'm talking... Look at me when I'm speaking to you!!!" he shouted. I looked at him in fright.

"Dammit, I didn't mean for you to be afraid... shit, fuck" he said frustrated. "Forget about it, so back to what I was saying; what I did today was totally out of my control, I wanted to punish you for trying to escape and the reason to why you cannot be released is because you know my true identity," he sighed.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I think this is technically kidnap," I said looking at him.

"So? I'm Jason McCann, I can do what the fuck I want, and if I didn't you would've probably burned to death, what were you even doing in such a disgusting place.?" he asked and I realized we were actually having a proper conversation with a bit of anger and shouting here and there.

"I didn't ask for your help, and it would've been better if I'd burn to death, and lastly it doesn't concern you for the reason why I was there" I replied confidently."So why do you go under the name of Justin Bieber and have the occupation of a teacher. "

"Hmm. Smart girl. Remember a few months ago there was a burial ground bombing?" he asked,I nodded."Jason McCann did it and needed a cover since no one has ever seen my face, well other than my gang members and you, everyone else knows this face as Justin Bieber. "

A/N: This was more of an explanatory chapter thingy, so...

Right now my eyes are dropping, this was started at 12:56 am and finished 2:30 am.

So goodbye.

I Ain't All Bad-Jelena FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now