Chapter 29

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Early A/N: I'm so sorry in advance...

Jason's POV.

After the bomb exploded, I watched as Selena fell next to me. She barely opened her eyes and then passed out. For some reason my heart began beating at a rapid pace. I tried moving closer to her but was unable, instead I held her hand and then I saw Alex and the gang coming to view.


My head hurt so badly. Blankness. Nothing made sense. I could hear some chattering but I'm unable to respond to anything.


Selena's POV.

I began to worry as soon as I heard Jason was in a coma. The doctor had announced this a few minutes ago. They also said that his recovery is unknown.

I had passed out due to inhaling the smoke from the fire, but now I'm fine. I've got a bandage on my forehead and on my slightly sprained wrist.

Now Jason's entire gang and I are in his room, since it is private we can be in.

"This is all your fault, you stupid bítch!!!" Alex (the guy from the beginning/member of the gang) shouted and pointed accusingly at me.

"If you never got involved, he wouldn't have a reason to go to Orlando!!! He should have just left your sorry as-"

"That's enough Alex!!!" Ryan (Ashley's boyfriend/member of the gang) said.

"You know what? Fùck everyone!!!" he said and stormed out.

Tears were already pouring out of my eyes. It's true. I'm a burden in Jason's life.

"Hey don't listen to him, it's no one's fault except for that fucker Orlando... He still would've found a way to lure us. to think of it, you saved Jason by helping him get out" Ryan said nudging my shoulder as I wiped away the tears.

I nodded as the room was met with silence. The only sound being Jason's heart monitor machine thing.

I sat on the couch at the far end of the room and just observed everyone, they were sulking, which surprised me. I mean, they are criminals.

I felt myself getting droopy, but I struggled to stay awake.

"Hey Selena? you want me to carry you to Jason's house" Ryan asked.

"No I'm good right here" I said giving him the thumbs up.

"Ok," he said and left, that was when I noticed everyone else left. It was a comatose Jason and I.I shrugged and took out the iPhone and began playing "Candy Crush".



I tiredly opened my eyes due to the fast beeping of Jason's heart monitor. I feel asleep playing the game. I immediately stood up and walked over to his bed.

His eyes were slowly opening. He let out a loud groan and tried getting up but winced. He then noticed me.

" Do you want some water? "I asked and he nodded.

I quickly poured out some water in a disposable cup and then stuck a straw in.I then helped him remove his breathing mask and put the straw to his mouth as he drank the water.

" Thanks "he said handing me the cup back.

" oh Mr Bieber, you're awake..."Dr.Hathaway said as he picked up that board thing that had Jason's information on his case/condition.

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