Chapter 34

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Selena's POV

I groaned as I rolled over onto my side. I was really tired. For the past two weeks, Ashley had me busy, she kept planning on the "party" which wasn't a big deal, it was only the guys... 8 to be specific. But overall I liked her company and she was positive.

I looked at Jason's sleeping body before leaping out of bed. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before coming out back and went into the kitchen.

I ate an apple as my breakfast. I was proud of myself. I had lost some weight over the past two weeks. I could see my flat stomach.I would wake every morning and eat very little to avoid having a normal breakfast with Jason. Thankfully he doesn't suspect anything. Alex on the other hand still hasn't changed, he still picks on me, even though I had lost some weight.

I don't purge that much, only two times in the past two weeks because of the little food I consume, mostly just water.

I saw my IPhone lit up and vibrated indicating that someone was calling me. I smiled when I saw it was Ashley.

"Hey sweet thang! is Jason awake yet?" she chirped.

"Hey Ashley, no he's still sleeping" I said.

"Great, I'll get Ryan to get him out of the house so that we can set up" she said excitedly.



"The guys and I are going to play golf until afternoon around four" Jason stated sitting on the bed putting on his Vans.

I nodded standing at the room door with my arms crossed. He got up and grabbed his keys and then stood in front of me. His legs were fine, he said he could feel little pain as he walked and refused to go back in the wheel chair.

"Sure?" he asked with a concerned face.

"Yeah, no worries, Ashley is coming over too" I said and he nodded leaning over to press his lips against my forehead. He's been doing that a lot lately.

Within ten minutes he left and Ashley came over. We both got to work, we planned to get the party in Jason's back yard. We started by hanging up a few fairy lights and then had some helium balloons bordering the pool.

We then set up the table with snacks and food and decorated the mini bar. Within two hours we were finished.

Ashley and I hung out since it would be around three hours till they came. We played some cards and then got begin to get ready around 3.

She wore a lovely pink dress along with pink pumps. I wore the dress she bought for me.I was a bit self conscious with the scars on my arms, she would surely see them. Although the fading cream Jason was giving me helped... a lot but there were still some scars that remained and she never had seen me without long sleeves.

I felt so disappointed because I couldn't wear the dress, not only Ashley but everyone would see. A tear fell from my eye.

"Selena!! What's taking so long?" Ashley called.I quickly wiped the tear away and answered.

"Um- It doesn't-fit me well" I said letting out a loud sigh.

"What do you mean? I'm sure it fit perf-" she said walking in the closet and confusion hit her face when she saw me.

"Nothing's wrong with the dress Selena, except it's a little loose, did you lose some weight or something? but it still looks great" she said looking at me, my heart sank when she asked if I lost weight. So she thought I was fat too?

"Um no, it's just that-" I started but she cut me off.

"What? you don't like it?" she said getting a bit angry. Then she composed herself. "it's okay though, I'll just return it" she said disappointment clear on her face.

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