Chapter 30

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Selena's POV.

I should be the one gone. Not him. I got up and watched his lifeless body. How can this even be possible. I clutched onto him as more and more tears fell.

Suddenly someone gripped my shoulder as a gesture to let go of him but I didn't. The person began to pull me off but I fought with them.

"Selena. Stop" it was Ryan.

"No, no, no" I repeatedly said. He shook me as I closed my eyes.

"SELENA!!!" he shouted and I jumped. I opened my eyes and saw I was back into the private room and Jason was on the bed. What?

(A/N:I got you there didn't I? lol...)

I looked up at Ryan and saw his eyes were wide as saucers. I then looked around and saw everyone's attention was on me. I also realized my face had wet tears.

"What was that about?" Ryan said relieved. I shook my head and wiped my tears with the sleeve of my cardigan.

I got up and drank some water while the doctor was saying something to Jason with the gang surrounding his bed.

I walked out of his room and went to the closest washroom. I drenched my face in water and towel dried my face, trying to face reality. He's not dead, he's here.

After I finally caught sense of myself, I went back into the room and was surprised when it was empty except for Jason who was staring into space.

"Hey" I murmured.

"Don't even think of trying to make fun of me" he said in a cold tone making me confused.

"What do you-" I began.

"Don't pretend to be oblivious." he said still looking into space.

"I'm serious I don't know what the hell you're talking about, So stop being such a, such a jackass" I said getting really annoyed.

"Oh I'm sorry... you weren't informed that I'm paralyzed from the waist down, who knows when the fuck I'll be able to walk on my own!!Fuck it my life is fucked up.Shit"

I froze after hearing he was paralyzed. This is bad, really bad, at least he's not dead-but knowing Jason he would rather be dead tha. have people help him out.


"So it's only temporarily?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Yes, I made sure Mr Bieber had known it was temporarily, but I guess he overreacted and he's free to leave" Dr Hathaway said as I smiled.

"Ok... thank you for your time" I said throwing him a genuine smile. Jason was not paralyzed permanently, and he was acting like a chainsaw had cut off his legs.

I went back into his room and saw the guys had begin helping Jason off the bed.

"Ow, watch where your putting your hand!" Jason hissed and I let out a laugh when I saw almost all of them helping Jason. All except for Alex who stood watching them. Imagine about 6 muscular men helping one fragile one.

Finally after many struggles they all placed him comfortably in the wheel chair as he looked glum.

Ryan went behind him rolling him out as everyone else followed behind. Alex walked pass me and same time hurtfully and purposely jammed my shoulder with his. He glared at me before walking towards the car. There were two. None of Jason's.

"Jason,Taylor and Alfredo will ride with me" Alex announced. The other four -Ryan, Mike, Nolan and Chris- nodded and went into their car. Ok then?

I stood there awkwardly as they helped Jason get in the car. As Alex was putting the wheel chair in the trunk of the car Jason called for me.

"Are you getting in or not?" he asked and I felt my heart flutter by his gesture.I nodded my head and sat away from him then I realized Alfredo will be sitting also in the back with us so I was forced to shift down and the car took off.


Jason and I were back at the house and I prepared a sandwich for him. When we came back,I was 'warned' by Jason to not help him since he is not 'handicapped'. Hey it's his words not mine. So I left him to do whatever he wanted. He was in the living room relaxing on the chair watching some documentary while I tidied up the place.

It took about half an hour for me to tidy up because the house was big, it wasn't as if I cleaned up the entire house.

I returned and saw Jason was fast asleep. I went upstairs to get a comforter for him.

I then sat down and switched the channel to family guy and eventually got a really great interest in it.

A few hours later I heard grunts coming from Jason. I then saw him waking up so I just ignored him.

"Fùck " he muttered. I looked at him and saw he was holding his crotch while trying to get into his wheel chair.

I sighed and got up going over to him. He took my help and got into the chair. He then asked me to help him to go into the bathroom since it had a little tilt and his arm was bandaged.

I helped him get in and thought it would be human to wait on him. After he got on the toilet,I waited outside. After a while I knocked and asked if he was finished.

"Yeah" he said so I opened the door.

My face paled when I saw his... thing wasn't in his boxes. You know? where it's supposed to be? I immediately closed the door. I had to get that image out of my head, it looked weird. Ewww.

"Jason!!! what the hell?!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"I said yeah as I'm done pissing,I wasn't expecting you to come in immediately!!" he shouted back.

"Gosh, well tell me when you're fully clothed" I said. After a few shuffling he yelled out saying he was finished. Completely.

I then pushed the wheelchair in and he transferred himself to the wheelchair then washed his hands.

So much for me not helping him.Dr Hathaway told me it would take a months time for him to recover so about one more month I'll have to deal with this all. Hopefully no more embarrassing incidents.

A/N: So how are you guys? Thank you for making this story get over 24k reads. It means a lot to me. So this story has a lot to develop for a bit of jelena so just bare with me okay?

I just typed this chapter out of no where so sorry if it'll suck. I just wanted to update since you know, Tis the season to be jolly.

Happy belated birthday to my girl "Britany Roberts" who celebrated her bday on the 17th.


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