Chapter 20

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Selena's POV.

I pulled the red body fitted dress lower. It was short but Ashley gave me fishnet stockings to put on underneath. So it was better than wearing anything at all plus it helped cover my scars on my legs. Oh and she gave me a pair of four inch black pumps.

I entered the club with Jason by my side, his right hand was on the lower area of my back while Ashley and Ryan followed behind us.

We made our way to the bar, I looked around and had a very uneasy feeling. I was remembering when Phil had me working as his striper.

"Hey Sel, want a drink" Ashley asked handing me a cup. Before I could respond, Jason butted in.

"No, I don't think so, I think I'll be doing everyone a favor by giving a warning on Selena being drunk" he said as Ryan handed him a beer bottle.

"Just a bit" Ashley pleaded.

"No." he said firmly. She rolled her eyes.

"Someone's got their panties in a twist." she said but only I heard. I ended up chuckling at her, then Jason handed me a cup with orange juice.

"Don't talk to anyone and don't leave your drink anywhere" he said as I nodded. If you haven't noticed I wasn't in the talking mood, what else was I supposed to say?

"Well then let's go dance"Ashley said and Jason removed his hand from my back allowing me to go.

To be honest, I didn't want to go, there was to many people, but then I saw that Ashley led us to an area where there wasn't many people dancing. I watched Ashley as she began swaying her body to the beat, then I realized that I couldn't dance, and neither did I want to be present here.

I shook my head at her and headed back to Jason through a pushy crowd. Once he saw me, he finished his Jack Daniels and looked at me as if reading my mind and thankfully he did.

"We're leaving" he said grabbing my hands. Ryan nodded as Jason carried me to the bar.

When we made it to his Range Rover, he had me seated and I saw a man walk up to him and they exchanged a few words m

"Do not go anywhere" he said before closing the door and went back into the club to talk to the man.

I sighed as I just began playing with my finger nails. I jumped when the passenger door opened. I thought it was locked the whole time.

It was a young guy, he looked around my age but maybe younger. I then noticed he was drunk. He began pulling my legs out of the car.

"Get off me!!" I said kicking at him. He did not listen to me, instead he dug his nails into my thighs making it burn.I screamed for help then noticed my iPhone that Jason got for me. I picked it up and clicked on his contact.

"Selena?" he said on the second ring.

"JASON!!!"I screamed and the phone was snatched away from me. The guy kept pulling at my feet making both of my heels drop from my feet.

" Get off of her you fùcking prick!"I knew his voice. He came, like anyways.

The guy was pulled away as I heard punches being thrown,it felt like a déjà vu, when I had gone to run away but ended up with two dangerous men, but Jason saved me.

I got into the back seat hugging my legs, for some reason I was more shaken up than before. I buried my head into my knees and I felt the Rover start. I looked up and saw his hair, I knew it was Jason.

I couldn't find myself to stop the tears and sobs from escaping. About five minutes later we were already home. (A/N:note she said'home')

Jason picked me up like a baby and put in his password for his door to unlock, I kept my head in his shoulders as he led us to his room.

"I'm so sorry I left you" he said putting me on the bed. I shook my head wiping my tears. Great, now he's blaming himself for my bad luck.

I continued sobbing closing my eyes and I felt the bed shift. I then felt him pick me up and placed me in his lap cradling me.

"I'm so sorry" I said sniffing as he soothingly caressed my back through the dress.

"It's gonna be alright" he said and... he.... kissed me on my forehead.

"Why so you still want me around? when-when all I do is be a weight and cause problems in your life" I said as my sniffles became lower.

"You're no problem to me, I chose to look after you" he said simply.

I said nothing, except raise up from his chest.I saw he was looking at me, I wanted to feel better. And I do not mean cutting, I... wanna kiss him, it makes me feel at peace.

His thumb brushed against my bottom lip as our eyes were still locked onto each other's. He leaned closer to me, I was still cradled into his arms. I closed my eyes awaiting his lovely, warm lips on mine.

The first thing I felt was sparks as our lips collided.I didn't hesitate to kiss him back, his tongue glided into my mouth as our tongues battled for dominance, somehow in our kiss, he put me over his lap in a straddling position.

I felt a pleasuring sensation as we continued kissing. Of course all good things end,we pulled away in the need to air.

"Um," I breathlessly pulled away from him as he looked at me.

I quietly removed my body from on top of him and laid beside him.I realized that I still had my dress on so I went to the closet and changed into one of Jason's huge t-shirts,I don't know why I wore it but he never tells me anything.

I went back to our bed and saw a shirtless Jason lying in his back with his eyes closed.I got into bed and laid next to him as he shifted closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

A/N: Hey, so another update. Yeah I know it's in the same week, I honestly thought that I wouldn't have time to complete these chapters, I think it's because I want to keep myself busy or idk. Or maybe I want you guys to be happy, but I'm,cuz whenever I'm free in school, I have the urge to write, so yeah.

Anyways Jason and Selena... they kissed... without any distractions, are you guys happy?

So yeah, surprise!! There you go, enjoy.

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