Chapter 45-Final Chapter

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6 months later

The streets were busy as her body pushed pass persons to get to her job, today was Friday and at the little restaurant she worked at was busy.

Finally after feeling like running a marathon, she reached the place. "Little Great Diner" was the name of the restaurant.

"Selena, boss needs you" another waitress sadly told her. Selena's heart almost dropped from her chest. She nervously took off her jacket and hung it on the coat rack, leaving her in her waitress uniform.

Selena knocked on the door of the office of her boss. Derek Malette was his name.

"Come in" his gruff voice said.

As she entered, the cool air from the air conditioner that circulated the room hit her face. Derek sat on his chair, he is about 25 and manages the restaurant.

"You called for me sir" Selena's timid voice spoke up.

"Yes, actually, I would like for you to give me a report on everyone's performance by this afternoon, since my assistant is on leave, I would like for you to help me out here" Derek said in a voice of authority.

"Ok sir" Selena said when in all honesty she did not want to do it one bit.

"Don't worry, you'll be paid for that... so I expect the report by five this afternoon"With that Selena nodded and left his office.

She let out a shaky breath. Well at least he didn't fire me. She stopped collecting money from Jason, well he kept sending it but she never spent it.

She waited a few tables occasionally having little chats with Taylor (Swift) and also prepared coffee. As usual, she was tired at the end of the day, she quickly wrote the report and thanked the lord she was taking online classes because that helped a lot.


"Quit sitting around like some lazy asses and get to work, we have a mission to plan" he said angrily, too annoyed his gang was just sitting around.

"Jason we have until next month" Alex said.

Jason scoffed. "You know what? Do whatever the fuck you want!!" and then he stormed out of the house. He begun living with the gang in the gang house a few months ago.

The others just shrugged, not really caring about his attitude, they had been putting up with him six months ago.

Meanwhile Jason got into his Fisker, and sped off into a frenzy mood.

After driving for two hours he parked by the beach and thought about how he's "a fuck up".

He glanced up when he heard a familiar laugh. There she was, waiting in front of an ice cream truck. His hand automatically went onto the handle of the door, he had decided to have a little talk with her. Nothing major, that wouldn't hurt right.

As he had a mini conversation with himself, he noticed a guy in a suit come out with a cone and handed it to her. He felt his heart sink to the soles of his feet. Of course she would move on.

He then put his hand back on the steering wheel gripping it tightly. He took one more look at Selena and his heart swelled when he noticed the bracelet he bought for her when they were in Paris.

He then drove back leaving all of his feelings behind. Maybe that is how it was meant to be. Not every story has a happy ending. The only thing that mattered was that she was happy.


A/N: So this is the final chapter for "I Ain't All Bad".

I know, such a disappointing ending.


There is a sequel...Titled "Prized Possession"

The first chapter will be out soon... For now there is only the description... blah,blah.

Anyways, thank you all for your support, I love you guys... hope to see your support in Prized Possession. I will be updating Can't Help It I'm In Love for those of you have read it.

Vote and comment what you think is going to happen in the sequel.

Oh and anyone interested in making a cover for Prized Possession message me on Facebook (Zelina Annastacia) or Instagram (@biebgomz_zelina)

I Ain't All Bad-Jelena FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now