Chapter 13

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Selena's POV

I woke up and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw toasts, eggs and a glass of orange juice on a plate besides the bed, I also heard the shower was on which indicated Jason was taking a shower.

My head began swinging so I laid back in the comfortable sheets. After a few minutes later, I got back up and looked at my bandaged feet. They weren't bleeding but was itching. I bit my lips trying to ignore it. Suddenly the door opening a Jason only wrapped in a towel and another around his neck, his hair was still wet, I tried avoiding eye contact as he came closer.

"Are your legs paining?" I shook my head no,

"Not really but it's beginning to scratch" I said ignoring the fact he sat on the bed.

"Mmm, well eat up so that you can have a bath" he said going to the closet.

I pulled the plate in front of me and within 5 minutes he was finished and I was now finishing up the last toast, I drank the juice awkwardly since he wouldn't stop staring.

Then I noticed he brought out some clothes for me, a white spaghetti strap top and black baggy shorts along with underwear.

Without warning I was hoisted up into his arms but I decided not to put up a fight because it would be useless. He then put me to sit at the edge of the bath tub that was already full.

"Call me when you're finished" he said before walking out but not closing the door, hmm and to think I deserved some privacy.

After removing my clothes, I gently lowered my body into the water. It was slightly cold which made sense because if the water was warm and it reached my wounds, they would begin bleeding again.

After 20 minutes of washing my body, I eased myself back to the edge of the bath tub. To be honest, my cuts were stinging but was nothing I couldn't handle.

Where the hell is the towel? I looked around but couldn't find any. Suddenly Jason came into view causing me to use both of my hands to cover my chest and shriek.

His face held no emotion but I think I saw him suppress a smile. He threw me a white towel and went towards the cabinet, after taking out two pills and reaching down for the first aid kit.

I barely held the towel to the front of my naked body and Justin left the bathroom and put the pills on the table and first aid on the ground besides the bed.I took the time to dry my skin as quickly as possible.

After that, he came back and lifted me bridal style with the towel only covering the front view, which meant my rear end was full on display, but I was thankful that he could not see that end.

I sighed when he put me on the bed. The soaked bandage slightly wetting the neatly made bed.

He then raised the towel, exposing the bandage but still leaving my arrests covered. He gently remove the bandages from both legs. It was looking better already. but it wasn't halfway healed.

He then repeated his actions last night of attending to my wounds. After cleaning it up, he bandaged it again then removed the bandage from my wrists leaving it to heal by itself.

"Thank you" I said, he just looked at me and nodded.

"Get dressed, I'll be back within half an hour... here" He threw a remote and the scar fading ointment on the bed.

As soon as he left, I put on my bra and carefully slipped on the panties. Then I carefully squeezed some ointment in the palm of my hands and began rubbing on the healed scars.

When I was finished I saw hand sanitizer on the table, I swear I felt like I was in a hospital or something.

I cleaned my hands and turned on the television to Disney channel and came across a show "Jonas LA". It was quite funny and managed to take my mind off things. After the first episode finished, I began getting pains in my thighs and then remembered Jason left tablets for me.

I gulped down the pills with the help of water and a few minutes later Jason was back, wow he doesn't joke when he says half an hour.

     ❇✴❇ Two Days Later ✴❇✴

I was finally able to walk, I mean I could walk before but since 'he knows better' I had to be treated as a disabled person. And did I mention that it has been two days I've been clean, usually it only takes two days before I cave in and cut.

I finished making up the bed and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for Justin and I since he was in the shower.I decided to do this for him in return for when he basically took care of me.

I've gotten accustomed to living with Jason, seriously. There's nothing bad with it, well except he's one of the most wanted criminal. Other than that he treats me well and I think he halfway trusts me alone in the house to not try and run away.

We're not on the best talking terms, except for a good morning/afternoon and his random questions for my well-being. Even if I try and escape, where would I go?

I plated the pancakes on two different plates only one on my plate and three on his. Then poured some grape juice in my glass. I sat on the stool while my food rested on the kitchen island, there was a dining room but I chose not to use it.

"How are you feeling?" he asked picking up his plate and sat beside me keeping his distance.

"I'm feeling much better" I looked at my thighs where the bandages were removed and the cuts were still in the healing process.

We ate in complete silence, I looked at him and saw he was in casual t shirt and sweats. When we were both finished, I waited for him to put his plate in the sink. After he left, I washed the plates and cleaned the kitchen and went for a shower.

When I was finished taking my shower, I had the strong urge to cut. I know he will get angry, it not, but I don't care, maybe just one cut will help. I wrapped the towel around my body and began looking for his shavers. Where the hell did he put them?

I walked out of the bathroom and saw there was two suitcases already packed on the bed. When Jason noticed me, his tongue ran across his lips.

"Where are the razors?" I asked avoiding eye contact.

"Why do you need them?" he asked and this time I looked into his eyes.

"I-um... need to... shave my legs" I said and he just stared at me for a few minutes before going into the second suitcase and taking out a women's Gillette shaving cream and a pink women's shaver and handed it to me.

I sighed mentally and walked into the bathroom, I was about to close the door until an arm stopped it from closing. I rolled my eyes about how he never allows me to have any privacy, I am not allowed to close the bathroom door.

"Can't I have at least a five minutes to myself?" I begged.

"No, not when you have a razor in your hands" he said folding his arms and leaning against the door.

I huffed walking out handing him the shaver and foam cream.I walked into the closet drying my skin and hair and wore a red top and black sweatpants.

"We're leaving for two weeks" he said as I walked into the room.

"To go where?" I asked.

"Italy" he simply replied.


"I need to settle scores" he said and walked out of the room with both of the suitcases leaving me in shock.

A/N: Honestly, do you guys think this was a good chapter?

Omfg,I really enjoyed your comments, seeing your kind words and how much you enjoy the story,I really want to continue and update regularly.

Vote and comment.♥♥

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