Chapter 39

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••••Next Day••••

Selena's POV.

This morning I woke up with a killer headache, I guess I had gotten drunk -again- and I slept it out. I had a vague memory of attempting to do a yoga pose and taking a relaxing bath. I don't even think I had dinner last night because of the constant grumbling of my stomach.

I went into the kitchen and thankfully Jason had already made pancakes. I don't understand how he says he's not a great cook but everything I've eaten tasted good.

"Good morning" I said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and wincing at the pain.

"Morning, here" Jason said handing me two pills and water.

"Thanks" I said swallowing the pills. That's much better.

He then handed me two pancakes in a plate and I drizzled pancake syrup on top of it then dug my fork into it.

"So um I have to go out for a bit" he stated. To think about it, he's hardly ever home. I nodded keeping my focus on my food.

"Um, it's been a while you haven't been out, would you like to come?" as soon as the words left his lips, I nodded frantically as he chuckled.

"Ok we leave in about an hour" he said with a smile, I looked at the kitchen clock and saw it was directly 9.

"Ok, I'll be ready by then, thank you" I sincerely said as he nodded.

When I was finished I washed up my plate and a few seconds later Jason was finished and placed his plate in the sink and I began washing it.

He turned my head to face him by placing his finger under my chin. He slowly leaned in and pressed our lips together, his tongue pried my lips apart as he dominated my mouth.

I eventually pulled away breathlessly and lowered my head hiding the blush that formed.

"Get dressed" he reminded me and then walked out the kitchen.I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Wow!I liked when he did that but then I remembered that he had that girl Layla. What did he take me for? I'm not some random girl he's going to kiss whenever he feels like.

I went up to the room and quickly took a shower and got dressed avoiding him.I wore a gray sweater with a black heart printed on and black skinny jeans and gray converse and i finished the look with a thin white scarf.

Jason wore a white t-shirt and black blazer and faded blue jeans. It seemed as if he was doing something important. I then observed he put on his gold Rolex watch.

"Let's go" he said and I followed him out of the room after picking up my phone. He grabbed his keys and handed it to me.

"Press this button and go into the car" he said as I nodded. I walked out of the house and pressed the button as an unlocking sound was heard. I opened the passenger seat and waited on Jason.

Jason walked out of the house with three briefcases and threw them in the backseat. He started the car after collecting the keys from me and drove past the gates.I looked back and saw the gates automatically closed.

"We have about half on hour until we reach, do you want to listen to some music?"he asked looking at me.

" Um no" I said unexpectedly sneezing. Gosh that's embarrassing.

"Bless you" he chuckled, Was he laughing at me?

"Um thank you. I guess"

"Why are you always so uncomfortable around me? I don't bite... usually" He said flashing a smile while concentrating on the road.

I Ain't All Bad-Jelena FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon