The Tale of Schemers And A Girl: A False King, A Magic King and A Magic Queen

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"It is time to see this fool be fooled!" Ellron thundered. "He can not fight what he does not have the nagic of his Queen and my own. Soon before the month's end, his people will beg for her to accept the crown-ship instead and then she'll take my hand in marriage. And if the crown fits, A Queen should wear it, darling lovely mother of Ravenlings to be." He laughs. "Goblin of dusky fire night rain down your nightmare shards of barren crop on Mirrorando. Set the fields ablaze with you dragons freed from your Moon shaped chariots sliverwings they are silver fire is their breath a daunting warning for all. Make them believe in their Princess as Queen or this kingdom maybe sunk underground by the quakes of trees of fooled giants. Flames will respect the Queen and no one else but her. " He cast his spell and at once everything the tailor tricked into captivity was loosed from their prison including the unicorn. The unicorn saw Queen Livinne looking at it with pity and sympathy outside its stables.
"I'm sorry, my father was desperate, young magical creature. And I'm sorry hd sent that man after you." She apologized to it too. "I have a place I need to be can you take me there?!"
She had black ravenette hair and purple eyes like Raven, her second born daughter. The unicorn kneeled on all four legs. She slid over and onto his back. He galloped her over. The full was waxing a little more than the night before. Grey clouds formed fog halos around it and dark elongated diamond crystals of a black mirror showered the landscape and like an upside meteorite when it hit the ground it sprayed silver moonshine fire sprays everywhere with the deadly magic of a wicked goblin revealing lies where they stood.
"Hey look! It's our Queen!" The people called out. "The fire's staying away from her it respects her. That's cool. She should be the one in charge of the kingdom not that awful king!"

The Queen met the boar whom had been set free at the chapel. The winds began to stir the bell to toll like a gong up above. The ground shock.
"Woe to the wicked with a lying tongue, beware, never lie!
Lies bite back!
They can never be fully covered up," the very walls echoed the truth."The noise stopped the boar, the tree stuck the unicorn and the giants so precious their ego was they began to fight each other. The first three giants wronged by the tailor here and now do approach with anger upon their faces."
Every wall could tell a story even a morbid one. The ground began to shake violently cracking went up the metal shell of the bell in front of her.
The three giants the Tailor met in the cave were on the horizon that he had original scared off.
"I'm so going to crush every last bit of house in this realm!"
"NO! WAIT!" Raven's mother called. "I know who you are looking for. I can draw him out to you to punish, my friendly giants!"
"Why should we trust you?" asked one of the giants peeking into the chapel with one of his eyes his body bending over.
"I hate him, I was forced to marry him for all the wrong reasons my Father stupidly promised me to him. I am his wife, spare the town, and the people of mine in it. Take me as your bait, your prisoner and send a ransom note. He will answer it he hates anyone challenging his ego, but I will challenge him on your behalf, as I have magic powers he does not know I possess. Please spare my kingdom, it suffers enough under this glaring silver fire." She told the animals that had come to thank her for freeing them. "Go! Go home to your families, young unicorn and boar!"
The bowed their heads to her and spoke. "We will not lay harm to your realm again, your Ladyship." They both plod on off. The giant from the start of the story smashes the chapel and grabs ahold of the Queen in his right hand and she lets out a terrible shriek of fright being an excellent actress having learned it from her husband's lies. But she was aware her results bore good intentions not mixed messages. "HELP VALI! HELP!" She exclaimed bellowing at the top of her lungs.
Her shrieks and screams became the alarm call that dulled his sense after he ate that nightshade berry jam she spread over his toast from the very woman who first sold him real jam in a bad arrangement he made. She agreed to the woman she would be the Princesses' Godmother and made the grumbling woman a rich woman and no longer a pedlar.

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