The True Dangerous Queen

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Snow White was no longer as nice and sweet as she had been since the disappearance of everyone not really following their stories and the Storybook of Legends had been assumed destroyed but we knew it wasn't the only book of stories thanks to the Evil Queen thanks to Giles Grimm.
"Are you kidding me?" gasped Snow White. "This palace is a mess and seriously lacking in upkeep." She snapped at the Dwarves.
"Well, we can't keep it in tip top shape anymore because you spent it all on the Dragon Stadium trying to give your daughter an edge up in popularity in vain. Raven succeeds because she likes helping others not because she is lying her way through her story she's far more genuine than you're becoming."

"Don't speak Raven's name here in my palace! I hate her as much as I hate her Mother!" Snow White snapped. "Her being a goodie two shoes ruined everything for me! Honestly, if someone doesn't cut her ego down I will definitely! And it's my Money I'll do whatever I please with it and don't correct me again or it's out of here."
"I'm tired of you winning Princess and one way or another you'll fall just as your Mom did. Your Mom made me like this when she turned me into a snake and you decided not to protect the school and ran away here right now with my daughter as well."

"Well, well, Snow White's pure snow white heart has turned an awfully coal black." said Fairy Gerula. "I didn't think she'd agree to do such a thing but Apple's actions are even more surprising than Raven's literally giving away the throne to just about anyone being able to step in. "At this rate she'd hand over the Booking Glass so easily to just anyone for complete vengeance. I'm sure of it."
"You won't succeed all bad things will be stopped." Miss Dark Thorn responded struggling against the chains holding her to the rock.
"You don't know me!"
"You know I know that when you were created so was Pinocchio Godmother The Fairy of Truth, the Swamp fairy who wasn't banished to the Nether Deserts. Blue hair streaked with gray and blue petaled flower skirt with brown at its hems and violet mauve wings. For all the darkness in this world there is a match of equal light. Your power comes from winning evil people over by false promises and deception you actually damage them in the process neither of us are inherently evil only because you cursed us to do bad deeds for the rest of our lives."
"A curse you won't undo till I am
dead, young Queen and fairies live such a long time." Gerula responded. "Don't speak of the Blue Fairy to me again or I will curse your daughter a second time dear. She smells like Dragon's Breath all the time thanks to her Dragon Friends."

"Briar," said Cynthia." Briar?!"
"Did she just fall asleep again?!" Ash asked.
"You knew about this? When did this start happening Ash?!" asked Cynthia.
"It happened during Float Building she said she was sewing up a new skirt then she fell asleep for the half rest of that day. I came into our dorm to check in on her and she was snoozing her alarm clock can get her to wake up, but these episodes have been becoming more frequent as of late. I think her personal needle might have already been cursed by Faybelle as she never signed her page in the book."
Apple overheard this from the hallway and went to Briar and Ashlynn's room herself picked up the pink alarm clock and returned to the classroom.
"Here, girls, wake her up." stated Apple handing the clock to Raven Queen. Raven could see there were tears in Apple's eyes storming harshly.
"Help Briar, Cynthia, I have to talk my roommate." Raven responded.
"Why should you talk to her? Let the Poor Princess cool off?!" Stacey asked.
"You like seeing unhappy girls, huh? I'm not going to fall for that if anyone understands Apple's trauma it is me! Now step out of the way!" Raven snarled purple fire beaming from her body. She pushed her back with her magic leaving her unarmed but the fire in Raven's eyes were glowering at Stacey.
"What the?!" Stacey gasped. "How come she didn't scorch me?"
"Purple fire doesn't scorch anything, Stacey." Maddie informed. "Don't you read any of our stories only dragonfire and sun powers can scorch. Purple fire can only transform or teleport things. Or undo curses of its same origin. It's not the most typical dark magic of anything."

"Apple!" Raven shouted. "Wait!"
"Raven?! Out of all people?! I thought I told you I wanted to be left alone."
"I disagree, you never want to be alone, you've always loved being around people making them happy. It's hard when people ask you to be a people pleaser 24-7. Apple you're my sister not just my step-cousin. I really feel that close to you." Raven said. "You were the first royal to become my friend, you were so proud of me in ways neither of our Mothers are proud of us, Apple. Apple, you're still fabulous and you have a chance to prove that. Please don't leave the school and I'll come with you and Briar to stick at your side whenever your Mother keeps reprimanding you, roommate."
Raven embraced Apple in a hug and gasped as a mirror appeared. Adopted sister cousins more tried and true are they then true love or the Tale of Two Mothers' Love. What if sister step-cousins would stumble upon each other and wake each other up like the original tale is told but with an unexpected twist to be unraveled.
"Mom, you're a genius!" Raven whispered. "Family love is stronger than true love's love ! It is time flip the story again. I know what I have to do, to complete Apple's story without changing who I am on the inside."
"What were you just saying?!"
asked Apple.
"Nothing, you're going to love the surprise, Apple White, that I'm planning for you over the weekend." Raven responded. "You wanted a distraction Other Step-Father I'll give you one! One you won't see coming with an unexpected solution nobody's going to see coming ever again."

Author's Note: I just hate how people complain of Apple White being so mean and nasty whelp, Snow White the High Queen of Ever After High is the absolute definition of disgusting and wickedly sickly fake so it is easy to see where all Apple's flaws are coming from but she values truthfulness, honesty and individuality more than her own Mother. You show encourage good qualities in a bad person this is what makes them willing to change. If you cannot talk to them up front about their good then pray for their good qualities to endure and override and overcome their bad ideas. (This is almost so similar to the plot in Once Upon A Time Season 4 where the Author reverts most storybook heroes to be seen in a more villainous light. This Snow White is a perfect villainess as she doesn't really care what happens as long as she is adored.) 
"Raven, what do you mean Nothing?!"
"If I told you the story wouldn't be complete, now would it Apple White it would crumble, honestly!" Raven whispered. "Come on, let's get you to Madam Yaga and I have to go find Giles Grimm alone."

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