The Trials and The Proof P6.

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March 30, Sunday 3981. Haely found her Mother eating and sewing the scraps of her deceased sister's cloak into the brim of a red cap of a hat.
"It wasn't perfect before, but now I think it will suit you just as well when it was attached as a hood to keep you warn as we walk through the Thieves' Forest, daughter. I wasn't going to leave it behind. We can stop in my Brother's Kingdom in The Thieves' Forest. I know Robin Hood would be thrilled to meet his niece." Redda insisted immediately.  Yep. Why can't Robin Hood have a sister?!
"You never mentioned our Uncle before?"
"He was in danger when you and your sister were growing up. Your Mother only just received word by letter the trouble has passed from their old home, my child." Haely's Father informed her.
"You were busy doing as the Queen asked when the postboy came by, Haely."
Her Mother grabbed her belly.
"Mom, are you okay?!" Haely asked.
"I'll be fine as long as we leave by dawn, we should be well away by the time the King has other orders carried out." The sun was not yet shining. Darkness still hugged the land. The most expected of a guiltily charged person or groups of persons would be to flee in the cover of the cloak of night, but leaving at first light was very unexpected. The coolness of the morning air made Haely's arm hairs stand on edge as if a living eye was watching from behind looking over her shoulder. But when she looked nothing not even the shadows stirred themselves. She sniffed the cap and asked her Mother. "Mamma, did you make this out of cardinal feathers?"
"Yes, Feathers and fallen hair are one of the most abundant survival tools especially if you do crafts. And especially if you happened to be lost in the woods it is they are the thing animals do not reuse. That's why taxidermy doesn't bother me. Animals like mammals and birds won't eat hair they tear it off and set it aside on the ground.  Some birds use the thinnest hairs to line a nest alongside their down but the heaviest strands remain untouched on the ground wasting away as birds such as song birds find it too heavy to carry up to their nest my dears. However beware and be careful not to use hair found in owl pellets for owls do swallow their meals whole and spit out what they cannot digest by their other end. J would never use the hair or feathers stuck inside an owl pellet ever Haely." Red informed her immediately in her ears.
"Good to know, Mother, I appreciate your wilderness survival advice." thanks Haely with gratitude. "I shall keep it firmly tucked away in my heart."
"You are a good daughter we have." said Pherro. The sunrise was coming upon the realm of Mirrando as they made it half away across the hills towards the Thieves' Forest.  The sun was shining down a spectacular sunrise on the mirror shaped hills of Mirrando dotted with curvy grass that grew an inch tall firmly seperated by dirty dust paths that led to peoples front door steps and horse or carriage posts in their yards where mounting blocks waited to be used on nights of the Royal Ball. Queen Livinne had come out to the lowest front porch. Eramos and heard waved goodbye for now to Haely's family.
Queen Livinne sighed. She looked to the Raven who had perched on the balcony post beside her off her right shoulder. He was so close she could reach out and touch him snd pet his shoulders if she really wanted to and she did want too, but there was an explosion from their royal zoo part of the yard. "The Dragon!" They both shouted at once. They went to the dragon keepers who were covered in ash and soot. There was no sign of the adult dragon Livinne rode but there was a pile of smoking black and purple eggs on what looked like a pyre of wood that had a bunch of scorch marks all over it.
"Apparently that dragon who brought you home was a female."
"Oh, you think so, young Scribe?" asked the Queen teasingly towards him.
"Most definitely." Eramos responded. "Dragon eggs explode like a volcano before they hatch. And it looks like these are Darkwing dragons I didn't know that there were any left. People believed they were extinct."
"Well then, since you know what they are and you seem to be really interested in this dragon species. I hereby declare you the official dragon care keeper and supervisor of these babies, Eramos. I assume you can handle this task, hun? Am I right?"
"Yes, Ma'am!" He answered and saluted her immediately.  Darkwing dragons had black coloring on all the back side of their body but were purple on their bellies and other underparts. This explains where we get the Evil Queen's Dark Dragon in the Dragon Games special that was never ever explained.

Queen Livinne rushed the two staff members to the Royal Doctor and Sage who happened to be his wife. There they both got relief in refreshing aloe gel baths to sooth the spill of the explosion that might have caused major burning upon their skin's surface. She went back to Eramos when she was thoroughly satisfied that her helpers were being treated properly. She lifted the baby dragon into her arms and started staring into its eyes, rubbing its rubbery scaled belly and laughing when their strong tails twitched swaying back and forth. She held their faces close to her own allowing them to connect with her skin and get used to being handled by people like her and Eramos they understood socialization was just as important for the sake of their future and the dragon species.
"They'll all four to five will need names. What would you like to have me call them?" asked Eramos.
"This one's a male how about Drache?" and for his brother. "Chua?"
Drache is the German word that means Dragon.
"What about the the three baby girls?" Eramos asks.
"Onixiya for the oldest female and Moselle for the middle one and Cricketts for the youngest. Will those satisfy you, my dear laddie?"
"Yes, Your Majesty." He responded and he bowed to her. "I shall fashion them each a name plate on a cloth collar."
"And one of these dragons is yours to keep forever, young scribe." Queen Livinne informed him. "I saw the way you looked at Haely, you're in love with her aren't you?"
"Yes, from the moment we started working me as a scribe and her as the town delivery girl, we had so many picnics together in front of her, but I was too shy to tell a chatterbox like her I fell in love with her." Eramos said to Raven's and Cynthia's Mother.
"You will join her in the future again, I promise and be wedded too as well, child. Pick your dragon pet, Eramos?"
"I choose the male named Chua." responded Eramos.
"You heard him this dragon is his!" Livinne told stablehands and I want all of them well treated is that understood?"
They all nodded right away. "Of course Your Majesty. Indeed." They answered her so very swiftly.

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