A Story of the Father of the Evil Queen Whom Nearly Lost His Sweetheart

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Queen Livinne was not trying to deal with dethroning the tailor just out of her pure hatred, and distrust in him for herself and the kingdom. She picked up a book from stone compartment in the dungeons it was her Father's diary of how he almost lost her very own Mother how she almost never became born. Dalorn was her Father's name. Her Father had been put under influence of magic to protect him from his wife's Mother who was a genuine wicked witch.
A word had been written in it.
"Today, my daughter tells me I have married her off to nothing but a two faced liar of a vain tailor for her husband and he scares half my staff out of their wits. What am I going to do?! Why have I become do naive to my own common senses? I should have seen right through his lies, just like I should have realized my wife the woman of my daughter wasn't on the aisle beside me but singing from the side. I must be going blind my headaches are only increasing these must be my payment for neglecting to do a background check on him period. It's the only explanation."

"Cynthia, what's that you're holding?" Raven asked.
"Raven, it's Grandpa Dalorn's diary." Cynthia answered. "He gave it to me before I left said Mom's read everything it has in it."
"He's not totally blind as his eyes let no light in?"
"He has become entirely blind, Raven, I hired a service dog to be with him when I left, Raven. Otherwise I never would have been comfortable coming. The only cure for his blindness is a kiss on the cheeks from his very own pure blood daughter nothing else would work. I asked the witch doctor myself who examined him and that was what she told me."
"But that would be playing right into our Step-Father's hands." sighed Raven.
"I know both our lives have been extremely tricky, sister." Cynthia immediately responds in a soothing voice with a reluctant sigh.
The two girls left the tower at last. Stacey had followed them and waited for them to return to the hallway.
"Skipping classes are we?"
"Please, we got permission." said Raven holding up her pass.
"Rumplestiltskin!" called Briar. "Someone's wearing clothing improperly." She had walked up to Stacey and poked her in the back with the needle.
"Ow!" Stacey exclaims. "What was that for Miss Beauty?"
"Oh, I don't know, one you're tardy for dance class and a strike for casting unsupervised hazardous magic spells during the time you're suppose to be paying attention and listening to the Professor instead of being a snoop and these girls have free period right now they aren't doing a thing school wise wrong so back off."
"She's right." said Rumplestiltskin and it is up to me to teach you a lesson or two Countess."
"So you're a countess after all not a Princess." Blondie giggled. Raven covered her mouth and whispered snarling. "Stop it!"
"Briar help me turn this thing off right now!" Cynthia responds who had never had a mirrorpad her whole life and wasn't inclined to get one anytime soon.
"Sure thing." answered Briar Beauty immediately swiping the newscast off. "That type of reporting so not just right and it's not even cool, Blondie. How does your Mom react to this? I betcha it's not a great reaction."
"Hey, I don't get it? What am I doing wrong?" asked Blondie wondering.
"What it is is embarrassing, Blondie." Cynthia answered being frankly honest.
"Wow! Now I see the German coming out in you sister." Raven spoke with a hint of surprise in her voice when her little sister changed her tone. "You sound like both Mamma and Grandpa."
"Dah, it's in our Bloodline Raven Queen." Cynthia replied to Raven.

Queen Livinne feared dying more than anything in the entirety of all the fairytale lands.
"What is that?" asked Briar Beauty. "The Diary and Property of King Darlorn of Mirrando realm? That is your grandpa's story, girls? You gotta tell me."

"We will just not here." said Raven said. "I need to go to Apple's Father and tell him what Snow White's been up to in the recent past-time."

"I told you out to get me. I thought you said you'd do something about her, Valis" Snow White responded.
"I can't do anything about it, when I can't figure out what they are planning even Countess Stacey isn't helping with information.
"Why did you have to cover my Mouth like that?" gasped Blondie.
"Duh, Misstress Locks even Daring knows you're a bit of a blabbermouth, how would you like it if someone embarrassed you on the mirrorcast?" asked Raven. "Remember how Briar accidentally turned you into a yellow phoenix?!"
"That was embarrassing for me." Briar responded. "Still can't believe it turned me into a tortoise." Briar said pushing her brown curls behind her shoulders.
"That feeling of flying was fantastic." Goldi's daughter delightfully.
"Was it really?!" Raven questioned sharply. "From what I've study birds have some cons a person can pick up like constantly choking or constantly trying to be in a rush and imprint on things that they rather not be drawn too. That's why number one rule is use the gifts you already have and don't dabble in magic that isn't immediately yours, wouldn't agree Briar?"
"Yeah, being a tortoise was so boring slow the whole day. I am never trying to frame you for poisoning apple again. The spells and potions are more complicated than they look. I leave the magic to you and the Fairies Raven too much hard work and drama!" exclaimed Briar Beauty. "You really hurt your cousin in-law's feelings that day you reported on Apple and Daring being broken up and when Apple's hurt, I hurt too she's my best friend ever after, Blondie."
"No that you girls mention it," said Blondie's. "I do have side effects from that creature potion Briar used on your cake. Like you said it's a sudden choking thing because Phoenixes are songbirds and they can regurgitate food just like ordinary song birds. I would feel embarrass if anybody found that out."
"Well, you're not the only one who this has happened to our doves the white ones are songbirds and Gretel's husband was transformed into a dove by a witch Gretel and Hans set him free when Gretel killed her in that oven at her house that's why she had all those jewels in her house she stole them from him to make payment for her quote on quote special ingredients. Ginger was just a baby that she remembered that seen that is why she is do against her story."
"Yikes," Cynthia responded.
"The Prince and Gretel helped raise her." Raven said. "And through carrying for her they fell in love and became husband and wife he felt responsible to take in the girl after everything that happened, ladies."
Ginger understands why it happened and she doesn't blame Gretel. "Helga and Gus are the twin children of Hansel who was always know for the exaggeration at both ends of the story. Gretel, however, was acting on the motive of pure self defense in her story."

Pyrix_Fairy SilverOpaline7 SaraKennedy082
Helga and Gus are most definitely twins which means they came from one parent not too and based on how they behave it is not Gretel. Gretel can get anxious and worried, but she is able to keep her composure easily and able to quickly think on her feet when the situation calls for it.

Three Ps of writing a story to keep in mind Your Promise to your readers, you promise a certain type of story, Your Progress through that Promised Story and last but certainly not least how you wrap it up to the ultimate Your Payoff, friends.-Lumna10 it's thanks to JedHerne I learned about these rules from  his 8 plot point mistakes about fantasy writing. I never knew these existed before hand till he mentioned them, period.

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