Snow White's Deepest Regret and Fear

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"Her punishment will come whether Snow White likes it or not I will not be the one to dealt it out." said The Evil Queen. "She entangled herself in this mess and only her darkest fear can wake her from her idealistic world the reality of the terrible Destiny she forced upon Apple White her only daughter. She will not listen to anybody, Raven be prepared to be disappointed, child."

"Looks, like Snow thinks she's perfectly impenetrable, pretty, popular and invincible. That is not truth and she doesn't seem to be afraid of Death yet unlike you were afraid of your Death, Mom."

"You got all those secrets from one tiny flashback Thia?"
"Snow's most fatal flaw is self denial within herself to believe others both older and younger than her, Raven Queen. Apple loves her Mother, because that's the only reason she kept pushing you way before Thronecoming she wanted her Mother's approval. But it wasn't working instead Snow chose to abandon her only child. I know you need help putting her sleep but because you love Apple you can't do it, but her Father might because he would want to protect her especially if we told him all his wife has done recently he would be decently angry at her for sure."
"Take away Apple's love and Snow White has the final experience of the puzzle melancholy to make her change, Thia, and she'd finally see what Apple, Mother and I are seeing and understand what we are feeling.  Sister, you're genius!" Raven said. "I'll tell him to meet me in Madam Yaga's office with Apple."
"And I'll help you convince him." Cynthia answered. "Thanks Mom when this drama is finished Apple will be preserved and Raven will be able to wake her up with Sisterly love. You're both true family, it's no wonder you couldn't bear to poison her, after all this time big sister. It makes loads of sense now."
"Because I am one of the last two things who really know and care about her." sighs Raven. "Especially within our family."

Nobody saw what went on in the tower the tower was secret location and only known to Livinne's daughters and Apple herself thanks to Dragon Games special. So the Tailor could not spy on them there not even with Staceleenia's help herself. Her magic of persuasion could not fly through thick walls at all. 
March 30, Sunday 3981 at noon, Redda, Haely and Pherro made it to the Thieves' Forest quite safely. Where they met up with Little John, Robin Hood's best and stayed at his campsite. They had lunch over an open campfire with the merry men.

Meanwhile the Queen paid off the Apprentices of the Onyx and Gold Smith business with money conjured from her magic powers. And it would never disappear and show no trace of whom it belonged to. She stepped into the building which they were work and made up a spell on the spot to have it hide from most.
"Building that makes treasure so pure
Golden as sunshine up above
Heavy as bricks when piled high
Deny your sight to all not true of heart
And Hide away from those vain with pride.
Let your workers be covered with a web of protection
Till my awful king is dethroned." Livinne cast at the gold smithee with a simple wave and clench of her right the building became cloaked as were its inhabitants living inside and money was still produced for the kingdom. She went to the Onyx smithee next did the same thing.
"Emblem honorable material you are onyx
Black as night a symbol to me
Just like my Raven dear
You will help set this kingdom free tyranny from iron fisted pauper vainful king.
Let a night sky drape over windows and doors
No wind will pass you over
No command will shake you from your building's strong foundation.
Protect your resident workers
Like I will protect you.
Exist in your own little bubble
And let none but tried and true of heart beyond your veil."
Again but with her left she waved and clenched the spell was sealed around the building. She went into the castle dungeon.
Beyond she opened the door she looked down at her feet and with her right hand pointed to them. "Be silent my feet and bring no echo forth. My stealth shall go unnoticed beyond this wooden door."
Magic swirled around her feel a warm sensation filled them. Her shoes made no noise behind on the stone stairs leading to the dungeons behind that wooden door. And they made no noise on the widespread stone floor at the bottom of the stairwell either. The Captain had left the keys as she asked on the hook and he was nowhere in sight.
"Jingle, jingle, clink, clink, in my hand I take the now hush and stay as silent as a puss hunting an awareful mouse." She waved her left and blew her magic onto the keys, they made no noise in her hand and she walked to the cells unlocked each door and bade each man return to his job, and she opened a portal to right outside their work special work buildings she had enchanted and protected through her magic. They thanked her profusely for she feared them from free and hugged her. She smiled and smirked. The Captain came out of one the cells.
"How is this going to work?" He asked. As she dropped a bag of diamonds in his two hands.
"It will work you'll see. He has no evidence it is me unravelling his plans and he's two lazy to find out why. Now, I want you to go and find me the Oldest Prince of Montevista, one day my descendants will need his help to defeat our King for good. The Tailor is no real sword fighter, you've done good, I can handle Valiant from here, my best friend. Prince Eadric is our best hope in the future."
"The Frog Prince?"
"Yes, but he's now a King and has a wife who lives with him as a Queen. His wife has an Aunt who is also a witch. Their whole in-law family is famous for birth witches and Grassina is my idol." Livinne responds. "I treat my spells the way she does with kindness, care and caution and a pinch of creativity. She has written me a letter when I discovered the Tailor's secret about killing Seven Flies Eadric's done more than that as a Frog."
"I will reach them, but what of my son, his Mother is dead and I dare not leave him alone he barely knows how to take care of himself.
"Bring him to me, I will raise him personally and have the scribe look after him he shall become my man huntsman and want for absolute nothing." Raven's Mom insisted. The Captain agreed and called the boy from the Guardhouse. Eramos was given a private room and the high maid of Livinne as a step in adoptive co mother. The Captain's son worked hard in very low jobs cleaning dragon stalls, removing dead ancient trees and keeping the pigeon population down by hunting them. He didn't hunt with bow and arrow like one hunts a deer for he never hunted deer he placed lures in the dead trees with tasty trees the pigeons couldn't resist and when they were caught he wasted no time with that knife of his and removed the feathers himself for the cook to cook the pigeon meat straight away itself without any trifling hassle. He strung the feathers on about three ropes and he made a belt with two of them around his waist and the third rope he made a necklace to hang around his neck too.

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