silent screams.(edited.)

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"Savannah you know you can't drink coffee in my class, this is homeroom not starbucks my dear." mr.coin frowned then taking the coffee and throwing it in the trash, "sorry mr.coin i had a long night." Savannah put her hand over her aching forhead, wanting to run to the trash can and salvage what had been left of the coffee, her hands shaking. all of the caffeine filled her with anxiety, .but not nearly as much as the nightmares. mr.coin stared at Brian in pitty, who could barely keep his eyes open. it took all he had in him to stay awake. "brian, are you with us?" mr.coin laughed as he leaned over brians desk waving his hand infront of his face. brians vision blurry and distorted, everything seemed as if it had been moving in slow motion. suddenly the man from his nightmares appeared behind mr.coin with his dirty brown hat and striped sweater, his entire body covered with horrific burns, "not for long." he chuckled, filling brians heart with fear and dread. "Brian, i said are you with us?" mr.coin laughed once more. "not for long." the man laughed sadisticly when mr.coin slambed his fist down on Brians desk, Brian jumped, opening his eyes. "FUCK YOU!" he shouted, making the entire class burst out in laughter. "get out of my class." mr.coin shouted as he pointed toward the door , his cheeks a crimson red. Brian sat there with his mouth agape, looking around in confusion. he felt as if he had been completly losing it. "i said go to the principals office, would you like security to escort you out?" mr.coin sneered. "no. sorry." Brian replied abscent mindedly, as he got up from his desk. he had been awake but still felt as if he had been trapped inside of that horrible nightmare. everyone continued to laugh except for Bailey who watched Brian sympatheticly as he walked out of the room.
Bailey grabbed her notepad and stormed out behind brian. Mr.coin calling her behind her "Bailey where are you going??? You cant just walk out of class!" He shouted.
"Oh god i dont get paid enough for this shit..." he sighed to himself.

Bailey chased after Brian who had been storming down the hallway.
"Hey are you okay?" She shouted after him in worry.
Turning around his eyes widened with shock, and all of the anger he felt inside melted away as he saw her walking toward him, he stopped dead in his tracks and gulped nervously.
"Yeah im fine." He replied.

"you dont seem fine. You seem kind of out of it." Bailey replied with a look of worry.

" just, im just really tired thats all. Havent been sleeping that much lately." Brian ran his fingers through his messy blonde hair and sighed.

"Yeah... i know the feeling." Bailey sighed aswell as she stared into his tired brown eyes, him staring back into hers. They had hardly ever spoken before. But she didnt feel like she was looking into the eyes of a stranger and neither did he.
There was a since of comfort, and understanding in their gaze.

Brian dropped his books nervously and kneeled down to pick them up, Bailey kneeling down beside him to help him. Picking up an old tattered black notebook her eyes widened in shocked when she turned one of the pages by mistake. It was a drawing of the man from her nightmares, grinning from ear to ear. Suddenly the picture came alive and his knife like fingers began to wave at her and she jumped, dropping the notebook on the floor once more.

"Bailey, are you okay?"
Brian picked the notebook up
And got up very quickly. Offering Bailey his hand.
She grabbed his hand with her shaking palm and took a deep breath.

"Yeah.. im, im fine. I thought i saw a bee.. and im alergic to bees i cant be around them" She lied, still in a panic.

"Are you sure?" He looked down at her sympathetically. And she looked back up into his, "yeah...., i am now..." thats when the two realised that they had still been holding hands and quickly let go, though neither of them really wanted too.

"Um hey.., would you like to hangout with me after school tomorrow? At the coffee house? I promise ill protect you from any bees we may come across." He joked nervously smiling, his cheeks a bright red.

"Coffee sounds amazing." Bailey smiled from ear to ear, a twinkle in her eyes. Just then an anouncement came from the highschools loud speaker.

"Attention students and faculty, Brian edwards and Bailey mathers have gone a-wall, i repeat, Brian edwards and Bailey mathers have gone a-wall..."

Brian and Bailey both began to laugh.
"Really?" Brian laughed and held his stomache.
"Weve gone a-wall."
Bailey mocked the anouncement, still laughing.
"Yeah well... i guess i have a date with the principle soooo cya?"
Brian smiled.
"Well, the clock on the wall says its about 3:30 so. If i were you i would sayyyy... fuck it?"
Bailey laughed.
"Youre right... im sure he wont miss me too much, although we have become pretty closs and ive grown accustomed to the little chats that we have everyday. Im sure ill see him tomorrow."
Brian replied sarcastically.
"Right..." Bailey chuckled. "Well.. cya tomorrow dork." Bailey winked flirtatiously.
"Yeah. Cya tomorrow."
Brian called out as he watched Bailey walk away.
"Be there or be square..." he joked nervously as he stood there awkwardly.
"Mmmkay....cya?" Bailey turned around and raised an eyebrow, a smile on her face.
"Yeah, cya." Brian replied.
"How many times are you going to say that???" Bailey laughed as she walked out the door. Brian watched her in aw, her long crimson red hair flowing in the autumn wind.

*"she's so beautiful... and amazing..."* he thought to himself. "*shes not like other girls... i can talk to other girls with absolutely no problem, but not her.. she makes me act like a total idiot. She hardly ever smiles, but when she does, i cant help but smile too. And i think that she has the most beautiful smile, and beautiful brown eyes that i have ever seen. Shes always writing in her notebook, or doodeling, and she always looks like shes deep in thought. I love the way that shes so real and different and the fact that she doesnt care what anyone thinks about her... she dresses like shes some sort of badass but shes so sweet and compassionate at the same time, and brave and outspoken... i think that i might be in love with this girl..."*

Suddenly Brian saw the principle storming toward him with his hands placed upon his hips and an angry look upon his face.

*"oh shit.."* Brian thought to himself as he began to run.
"Brian get back here! Im serious! Im not playing games!"
The principle shouted as he watched Brian run out of the door with a look of disbelief.
"Damnit.... i do not get paid enough for this shit..."
He said quietly to himself as the hallways became crowded with students.

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