"Tired" Damions P.O.V

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I sit underneath the train tracks waiting for savanna to come back and wishing that savanna will come back. But if she chooses not to then I guess that I can't really blame her. I love her with all of my broken heart, and she's always there in the back of my twisted mind, I love her more than I've ever loved anyone, but I'm a lost cause and i think that shes starting to see it, and sometimes nomater how much love two people have  for one another, love just isn't enough anymore. And if you fall in love with a worthless bastard like me.. Sometimes you have to love yourself enough to let that love go, and do what's best for you.
And I know that I'm not what's best for her, I'm a fuck up and I'm a burden, but I just can't let her go. Because without savanna my life is meaningless. Without her, I might as well just be a vampire, a zombie, heartless, mindless, souless, just surviving, and destroying everything in my path with an uncontrollable thirst for blood. I take a green sour apple four loko out of my bag and take a large swig from it and light another marboro black cigarette. This is my third cigarette in a row, and my second beer. And I want to quit both but nothing else stops the constant  screaming inside of my head.
I often drink until I am completely numb. Until I black out and I can't remember anything that I did or said the morning after. And I know that I have a problem but the alcohol feels like an escape when I constantly feel like I'm trapped inside of my own mind. But its not, its not an escape, its just another trap. And i have been stuck inside of this trap like a black bird with broken wings in a rusty cage lined with barb wire for some time now.

I take another drink when suddenly I hear someone walking towards me and I jump.

"really? You got MORE alcohol Damion? Like the vodka wasn't enough?" Savanna yells with a look of destain, and I hate it when she looks at me like this, like I'm broken and she can't fix me. She walks Toward me and kicks over my beer with her black converse and I jump, the beer spilling all over me.

"Jeez savanna!"
I stagger, losing my balance.
"i paid for that!"

"Yeah well you shouldnt have."
She rolls her eyes with this smug look on her face.  and I want to scream at her and It takes all that I have in me not too.
I punch a concrete wall as hard as I can and I groan in pain, holding my hand that's now bleeding. "Fuck!!!"

"Yeah thats real smart damion. drink another one." she rolls her eyes once more.

I sit back on the ground and bury my head in my hands and I'm trying not to cry but I'm in excruciating pain. And she sits beside me and begins to rub my back. "Is it broken?"
She asks with concern.

"No but I am... You should have just stayed gone savanna I don't want you to see me like this... I told you that I've become something ugly but you didn't want to listen." I cry in a drunken stupor.

"I came back because I love you DamIon... And because you never have to worry about being without me...."
Savannas voice is shaking and I can tell that she is crying now aswell.

"Dont cry because of me savanna." I look up and I look into her big blue eyes and they are filled with tears as she looks back into mine.

"I believe in you Damion. You're the most beautiful, and the most strongest person that I have ever met and you can beat this I know that you can. And I won't sit back and just watch you destroy yourself anymore. I can't" She cries.

"Do you want my last beer savanna?" I ask sympathetically.

"No damion, i dont." She shakes her head in anger.

"Oh so now you don't drink anymore?" I snap at her and roll my eyes.

"No i don't..." She sighs. Her eyes widening with fear.
"I cant...."

"and why is that?" my eyes widen as well.

Because, i, i'm pregnant."
she stutters.

I feel absolutely dumb founded and lost for words as I stare off into the distance, still clutching my aching hand.
"Fuck...." I light another cigarette.

"Fuck is right."
Savanna nods with a look of worry.

♡A Nightmare On Elm street(fanfiction)♡(editing!)Where stories live. Discover now