savannas p.o.v. Broken

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I feel like i havent slept for days and im so tired, physically and mentally tired. My hands are shaking and my heart is racing from all of the coffee that ive been drinking. I am begining to worry because i cant get ahold of Bailey or Brian and i fear the worst. My anxiety is at an all time high as i light another cigarette. my hands trembling i drop the lit cigarette on my barefeet and burn myself and i cringe. My mother walks through the door with a plate of food and a look of worry hung upon her face. as i sit at the edge of my bed, my hair a tangled mess, eyeliner smeared on my face, wearing damions old leather jacket and staring into space. "Hunny, are you okay?" My mother asks with a look of concern. "You havent ate for days." She sits the plate of food upon my desk. "All you do is drink coffee.", "have you ever heard of knocking?" I sigh, picking up the ciggarette and lighting it once again. I dont mean to be rude to my mother, but i am so irritated by all of the caffeine and lack of sleep that i feel like im going to fly off of the handle at any given moment. And seeing her, and that worried look on her face, just reminds me of what a mess i really am. And just how worthless of a person i have become. "When i knock you dont let me come in, im really starting to worry about you. Are you on drugs?" She sits beside me. "I wish." I reply as i run my fingers through my long brown matted hair and roll my tired hazel eyes.
"Then what is it? You can tell me anything. Is it damion?.. do you blame yourself?" She leans in, trying to comfort me. Trying to do the impossible.
"You wouldnt believe me if i told you." I shake my head. "Its not that simple and you wouldnt understand."
"Well try me." She replys, patting me on the back.
I look her in the eyes and i hold her hand, and she stares at me with worry and pitty in her eyes, and it kills me.
"Mom, you cant save me."
I reply, My voice horse and shaking.
"So just let me go."
I look down at the carpet in shame.
"I will never let you go, you're my daughter, and i love you. And i will not lose you."
She bursted into tears.
"But you will."
I reply, avoiding eye contact. Trying not to cry aswell
"It kills me to see you like this."
She cries.
"What can i do to help?"
She sobs uncontrollably.
"Do you need rehab? Or maybe to go away to a hospital for a few months?"
She asks, desperately searching for anwsers.
Desperately looking for a way to fix me.
"No!" I shout.
"You cant' send me away to one of those places, if you do you'l kill me!"
I cry out.
"And if you try then ill leave here forever and ill never come back."
I back away from her and grab my purse from the coat hanger and snatch my phone from off of my desk.
"Hunny im trying to help you!" She shouts.
"You can't help me!" I cry out.
I run into the bathroom, lock the door and take a hand full of speed pills.
I look at myself in the mirror and my vision is distorted, and the room begins to spin.
Thats when i see freddy standing there behind me in the mirror. I struggle to keep my eyes open as i look away from my reflection because it kills me to look at myself in the mirror.
Freddy puts his hand upon my chin, forcing me to look at myself and i fight to look away as the lights flicker. I stare at myself in the mirror and i burst into tears.
"Ready to give up?" He laughs.
I look him in the eye fearlesly, and he just laughs.
"Why not? Youre already dead." He smiles, and he leans in very clossly, and whispers in my ear.
"And so are all of your friends..."
He digs his knife like fingers into my face and i scream at the top of my lungs from the excrutiating pain, and his laughter is so loud that i can barely even hear myself think.
Thats when my mother bolts through the door, breaking it down.
"Savanna! What happened to your face?" She cries out.
Blood runs down my face, my tired eyes are filled with tears as i hold my face. The blood now covering my hands and falling onto the bathroom floor.
She picks up the bottle of speed and looks at it in shock.
"Hunny we have to get you help."
Her eyes widen and She covers her mouth. More tears falling down, and i cant handle being here right now.
I run as fast as i can, still holding my bleeding face.
Strangers on the street stare at me in shock, fear, and disguist, as i run past them on the street.
I lean over and gasp for air when i finaly reach Baileys house. There is an ambulance in the driveway and Baileys mother comes out of the front door crying and screaming as the ambulance pull out a hospital bed with a body covered in a sheet, the peremedics look down at the ground sadly as they hall the body onto the back of the vehicle. "Not my baby!" Baileys mother crys out hysterically as police cars pull into the driveway.
"God no!"
She crys out.
I scream at the top of my lungs and i fall onto the pavement bursting into tears. The ambulance, the police, and baileys mother all stare at me in worry as i break down in tears on the ground. "Noooo" i cry once more, burriying my head into my lap, wishing that this all could just be another nightmare.

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