Baileys p.o.v Part 28

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I walk down my street and there is an ambulance and two cop cars parked in front of the park across the street from my house. I see two paramedics carrying a body bag, sweat dripping from there brows as they carelessly toss the bag Into the back of the ambulance. Not as if it were a body, or even once a living breathing human, like an old dirty rug that no one wanted, or a bag of garbage, not like a person, like a thing. "Okay, lets get the fuck out of here, its getting laight." The paramedics nodded toward one another.

& i stop dead in my tracks when I see Becky sandars standing there in absolute horror as the paramedics close the doors to the ambulance, she is covering her mouth and she is trembling, tears and mascara flooding down her cheeks. She looks at me and quickly looks away, as if she is ashamed, and overwhelmed with grief at the same time. she looks down at the concrete and begins to sob uncontrollably. I sigh and take a deep breath as I walk toward her, why do i have to be so fucking nice all of the god damn time? I shake my head.

"Becky, what happened?" I stand beside her and look at her sympathetically and she looks at me and she is completely hysterical.

"It was brad, he was running, like, like he was running from someone but there was no one there... And a car hit him.., and there was so much blood... Coming from his ear and his mouth..." Her eyes widened and her hands shook as she tried to explain. "And he's dead!"
She cried out. "And they just tossed his dead body into that ambulance, like it was nothing.. Like they didn't even care..."

"what do you mean that he was running from someone but there was no one there?" I place my hand upon her shoulder and she flinched away from me, making me move my hand.

"I don't know, I don't know what happened, he said "stay the fuck away from me" with his hands up, like he was in some sort of trance or something, and he looked so scared but there was no one there..." she sobbed. "like he was running from something that only he could see...."

"Oh wow, I'm sorry." I sighed as I watched the ambulance drive away. And my heart sunk as I remembered how hysterical and horrified Brian had been when we were in the coffee shop, nervously shouting and running from something that it seemed like only he could see.

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