"oh go fuck yourself becky" Part 19

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Bailey sat on the school bus alone as she gazed out of the window. Feeling restless, beaten down and broken. Quickly closing her eyes and opening them, & nodding in and out. When suddenly she felt as if someone had been watching her. Very slowly she turned her head only to see Brian watching her from afar. His dark eyes glued to her. Her tired eyes lit up as they met his. She smiled and waved. Brian then begining to grin from ear to ear, but sometjing felt different. His smile didnt make her feel safe or happy, the way that it had in the hallway or the coffee shop. The grin on his face had been very unsettling, he looked evil and demented. His eyes became black and souless and his face became terrifyingly pale making bailey jump as he began to chuckle demonicly. "You foolish girl,
No one could ever love someone like you."
He laughed hysterically as Baileys heart sank down into her chest, it was then that she knew that she had been dreaming and she quickly began to panic.
Suddenly she began to feel something very sharp poking her in the back repeatedly.
"Hey bailey..."
She could hear an eerie voice whispering in her ear, She quickly turned around in terror only to be face to face with the demon from her nightmares. Poking her in the back with his knife like fingers, teasing ber as if he were some sort of school yard bully.
"How do you like your dream man now?"
He chuckled and held his stomach as she watched him in shock and fear. Taunting her He then jumped at her very quickly, making her awake in screams.

Her entire body trembling she looked around in fear tears flooding down her cheeks.

"You alright there speed freak?"
Becky sanders the most popular girl in school giggled with a group of her friends. Her minions. Flipping her long blonde hair back with a smile.
But Bailey couldnt speak,
She couldnt utter a word.
Her mouth agape and her eyes
Wide with terror,, eyeliner and mascara running down her rosey red cheeks, she quickly looked away in embarrassment. She had been completly petrified, and she felt like a coward.

"Ceeeeerazy bitch."
Becky hollared out and laughed, rolling her eyes with a smirk and making the rest of the bus laugh aswell except for Brian who watched Becky in anger as he clinched his fist, his eyes filled with rage.

"Oh go fuck yourself becky you heartless bitch"
Kaleb daniels called out from the back of the bus. Making everyone turn around including Bailey.
Kaleb daniels had been one of the weird kids who didnt have many friends. He always woar dark clothes and a black beanie over his mesdy jet black hair, & He always woar the same pentagram necklace. He barely ever showed up to classes and when he did all that he would do is cause trouble, and he only had one friend, his cousin, tabitha rose daniels. Whom most people refered to as Tabby. The two of them were inseparable. Tabitha always woar all dark clothing aswell, her long dark curly hair also dyed jet black with bright pink streaks, dark eyeshadow and bcrimson red lipstick. They hung out in graveyards, and did stupid things like spray painting big black anarchist signs on the side of the school, where they ditched class and chain smoked cigarettes. Tabitha was shy and quiet and she hardly ever smiled. And Kaleb was loud rude slightly obnoxious and very argumentative.

"Shes crying .. and you're all just sitting there laughing... you're fucking idiots!" Kaleb shouted out in frustration.
"Mindless fucking sheep."
He shook his head in doubt.

Bailey looked up at the school in relief as the bus came to a stop. She took a deep breath, looking down at her black boots very nervously as she heard students laughing and making there way out of the bus.

"whatever, shes probably just crying because she couldnt get her fix today. " Bailey over heard becky snickering o her friends with a laugh as she walked off of the bus with the rest of the students. "I dont feel sorry for her, shes completly pathetic."

Bailey felt pathetic as she sighed in relief and bravely looked up at her surroundings. Thats when she saw brian standing at the entrance door of the bus, watching her with worry. She quickly looked back down, feeling completly ashamed. She hated when people pitied her. She couldn't stand the thought of being vulnerable, or coming off as a victem. Slowly she made her way off of the bus, the bus driver looking at her sadly
"you okay kid?" The portly bus driver asked very sympathetically. "You always look so... tired." He stared at her in pitty.

"Oh so now you're concerned about me?"
Bailey looked him in the eye, raising an eyebrow.
"you're a little laight, Dont you think?,...
Im fine."
She rolled her eyes as she walked off of the bus. The bus driver then sighing sadly as he pulled away.

♡A Nightmare On Elm street(fanfiction)♡(editing!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang