is anybody home? (edited.)

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"*I always find a way to fuck things up*"
Brian thought to himself as he walked down the street in anger. Not really knowing where he was going at all.
Just knowing that he didn't want to go home. Because home, didn't feel much like home to him at all. More like a battlezone, where he would constantly try and avoid his step father Dave, and all of his snarky and rude comments. Hiding away in his bedroom, listening to music, playing his xbox, smoking weed or chain smoking cigarettes. His room had been the only place that he had felt safe. He never felt welcomed, or as if he belonged in that house. He never felt welcomed, or as if he really belonged anywhere at all...He pulled a pack of ciggarettes out of the pocket of his baggy blue jeans and held a cigarette up to his lips and lit it as he listened to the sound of crickets chirping. The sky a dark purple as the day became night. He wondered how he would spend his night. Because he had been far too terrified to sleep.

"*im so fucked up that i cant even sleep..*"
He thought to himself, as he sat on a near by bench. Watching cars speed past him.
"*because im too afraid that some creature or some monster covered with burns is going to kill me in my dream and ill never wake up again...*"
He sighed,
"*what am i even so afraid of?... what reason do i even have to be alive, to be so afraid of death? I don't, i don't have anything, or anyone....Maybe i'm the real monster, maybe im the real creature...*"

Brian threw his cigarette butt onto the pavement and placed his hand over his face, his vision becoming blurry.

He heard a man whisper in his ear,making him jump in fear. he could feel what felt like someone breathing directly into his earlobe. But as he quickly looked around in fear, he realised that no one had been there but the people in the cars that quickly passed him by.
He heard the whisper once again,
Followed by menacing laughter.
And he gulped, his heart begining to race as he looked around in fear, then closing his eyes very tightly.
"*this isnt real....*"
He thought, as his eyes started to swell up with tears,

"*this isnt real...*"
As he covered his eyes in fear,
He felt what had felt like knife like claws digging into his back.
He screamed out in agony, falling to his kneese and catching his fall with his hands, his hands scraping up against the pavement.
Thats when he quickly opened his eyes and looked up, and the man from his nightmares had been standing before him, looking down on him with a sinister smile.
"Thats for calling me an ugly piece of shit." He chuckled, holding his stomach from laughing so hard as Brian looked up at him in terror.

Suddenly he heard a car horn blowing loudly in his ears, the sound so loud that it made his ears vibrate.
He opened his eyes and only saw darkness and two bright blinding lights speeding toward him. He quickly turned his head, squinting his tired brown eyes And that's when he realised that he had been bent over on his hands and kneese in the middle of the road, a car speeding toward him.
The driver laying on the horn. Brian watched in horror, almost as if he were a deer with his tired eyes stuck in the headlights of the speeding car. as the car swerved and sped into a near by electrical pole, he quickly got himself off of the pavement. His eyes wide with shock, his heart nearly beating out of his chest. The car horn still going off, he ran up to the car in fear, realising that the whole front end had been completely totaled. He cautiously walked up to the driverside window, a woman in the driverseat unconcious, Her head lowered from where her head slambed into the car steering whele during the crash, laying on the car horn & forcing it go off.

"Somebody help!"
Brian screamed, covering his ears, he began to panic. He wanted to run away but he knew that he couldn't just leave her there. He ran down the street away from the sound of the loud car horn and quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing 911.

"Hello, cincinnati police, how can i help you?" The operator questioned very casually.
Brian tried to catch his breath and pull himself together.
"Ive just witnessed a crash, the woman who was driving the car, shes laying unconcious in the drivers seat, and i...
I think that she might be dead." Brians voice trembled as tears fell from his eyes.

"Ok. I want you to tell me where you're located, and stay on the phone with me until the ambulance shows up, okay?"
The operators voice began to tremble aswell.

"Okay.. okay." Brian panicked. "Im on west 8th street. Right next to speedway."

"Ok, im sending an ambulance right now. I know this is hard.. but im going to need you to walk over to the car, and check the womans pulse and breathing, can you do that for me? Are you able to open the car door?"
The operator replied.

Brians eyes widened with fear as he turned and looked at the car.
He nodded, biting his lip and then taking a deep breath.
"I can do that."

"Okay good."
The operator replied.

Slowly He walked toward the car,
His heart beating so fast that he could hear it beating through his chest.
Standing infront of the door he realised that the entire front window had been almost completely shattered, pieces of shattered glass covering the inside of the car and the womans unconcious body. He slowly opened the car door and cautiously leaned over, and took the womans hand, which had been ice cold and felt completely lifeless. And began to cry and panic when he felt no pulse. he gently pushed her body back. Revealing the womans face, which had been battered, bruised and dripping with blood. And put his head up to her chest to see if she had still been breathing.

"Brian, are you still there?"
The operator asked

"Yeah, yeah im still here, she has no pulse and she isnt breathing..."
Brian cried and then his crying eyes widened once more.
"Wait, how do you know my name??? i never told you my name..."

Suddenly Brian felt the womans body begin to move, his head still pressed up against her chest, the operator began to laugh menacingly, as he felt a very cold breath up against his neck. he looked up very quickly, only to see the woman staring down at him with souless black eyes, grinning demonicly from ear to ear, and letting out a loud cackle, maniacally laughing, her face drenched in blood. Brian jumped up on his feet and backed away from the woman in fear, when he heard the voice of the man from his nightmares coming from his phone.

"Are you having fun yet Brian???" Freddy laughed.
"Because i know i am..."

Brian dropped his phone on the ground. His hands trembling uncontrollably.

Thats when he awoke with his head in his lap, still sitting on the bench. His hands, kneese and back aching with severe pain as he jumped up from the bench and rubbed his eyes, the back of the black t.shirt that he had been wearing had been ripped down the middle completely. He groaned in pain and bent over, clutching his back. Not knowing if he had been asleep or awake he ran toward home as fast as he could, because for once in his life. He felt as if he might feel more at ease there.

♡A Nightmare On Elm street(fanfiction)♡(editing!)Where stories live. Discover now