finding light in dark paces Baiey/ Brians p.o.v

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Brian's p.o.v

I hold a bag of ice over my nose which is still gushing with blood as I sit in the principles office, students peeping at me through the glass doors, pointing & laughing, and I swear that when I get out of here I'm going to beat kaleb Anderson's ass.
I don't know what came over me, I'm usually very laid back and I have never been the type to get jealous, especially over some girl. But when I saw him talking to Bailey, it was like I couldn't control myself anymore. I have never felt this way about a girl before. Because to me She's not just some girl. She is so much more than what everyone thinks of her as, she's treated as if she is worthless. And she carries herself like she has absolutely no idea just how beautiful she truly is. And I know that she's not my girlfriend or anything, but she needs someone who will make her realise just how beautiful she truly is, and just how much she's worth. I find myself staring at her a lot, ever since she started making appearances in my nightmares. And she's always doodling or writing something. She always looks like she's daydreaming or lost in her own little world, if only I could be part of that world. But sometimes it just seems like she builds metaphorical brick walls around her so that no one really can be part of her world. She always looks like she's thinking about something, if only she thought about me as often as I thought about her, if only I knew what was going on inside of that beautiful mind. I look up only to see Bailey standing in front of the glass door of the office. I gulp and shyly wave. And she takes a deep breath and waves back at me. She has this very serious look on her face like she's going to tell me something as she opens the door to the office.

Baileys P.O.V

I nervously walk toward Brian and my hands are shaking and I wish that they would stop because I know that he's going to notice. He looks at me with worry and curiousity in his wide brown eyes as blood trickles down his nose as I sit beside him and let out a deep sigh, and my heart is beating a mile per minute.

"Whatsup?" He nods, "you okay? You look like something's wrong... Your hands are shaking."

I nod and I look him in the eyes as he looks back into mine and suddenly a feeling of peace comes over me and I feel safe. I feel like i can tell him anything even though what I'm about to tell him is totally insane.
"ok... So, i have something that I have to tell you and I know that its going to sound totally crazy."

Brian nods & kind of let's out a laugh,
"You're really worried that you're going to sound crazy to me? After all you've seen me do in this past week? ...Try me." He smirks at me
And he stares at me with his tired eyes like he already knows what I'm going to say.

"That cut on your hand, its not from falling off of your skateboard is it?"
I ask nervously.

"How do you know that?" He gulps and covers the scar.

"Because, i think that I was there when it happened... In your dream. Well in your nightmare, that morning when you looked at me, I just knew. And when you seen all of those pictures that I drew... And when you said that you woke up on your front lawn, and the way that you had that freak out in class, and in the coffee shop.. Or maybe i am crazy. Maybe its just me having these terrible dreams and I just don't want to be having them alone. I haven't slept in weeks, and you look like you haven't either. Just please, please tell me the truth." I look away with embarassment and now I wish that I had never said anything.

Brian reaches into his black backpack and pulls out a folder and opens it up, revealing the pictures that he drew of the man from our nightmares as well, and they are very poorly drawn but I can tell that its him because he is holding up his knife like fingers and smiling viciously as if he is waving.
"Pictures like these ones, huh?"
"You're not crazy bailey.." He shakes his head with wide and tired eyes like he can't believe that this is happening. And I can't either.

Looking at that picture gave me chills, it was him.
"Yeah, pictures like those." I nod as I gaze into his eyes once more and he takes ahold of my shaking hand. And I gently touch the scar on his and he blinks at me with a look of shock as if he has just realized something and he gently brushes the hair away from my face and leans in and kisses me.
And I've never been kissed this way before in my entire life.
"Is this okay?"
He asks nervously and I can feel his hot breath on my neck and I can feel his pulse racing as well.
"Yes.. Its very okay." I laugh and I blush and I kiss him back.

and suddenly we are interrupted by the school security guard.
"Excuse me, I really don't mean to interrupt whatever weird romantic moment you two are having, but no its not okay, you are supposed to be in class right, not making out in the principles office." He points at me, and my face is red and I look away and laugh.
"Sorry." I grab my purse and walk out of the office and I look back at brain and he's laughing and waving and I smile and wave back.

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