black sheep

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Bailey sat alone on her bed, her hand pressed upon her cheek. sadness in her eyes. she hadn't heard from Brian in days and she had been beginning to worry about him. she tried calling, texting, and messaging. and got no response  she sighed dialing his number once again.

"hello??" Brian answered sadly.

"Brian!! it's Bailey, I've been trying to get ahold of you  I was so worried,," Bailey started to cry. " I thought you were dead..."

"bailey, you shouldn't be worried about me. you should just forget about me." Brian sighed sadly. tears starting to fall from his eyes as well. 

"what do you mean I should forget about you? what are you talking about??" Bailey replied with anger and frustration.

"i'm not a good guy Bailey.. you deserve better than me. i'm only going to hurt you. i'm dangerous... I tried, but I cant keep you safe anymore. the only way that I can keep you safe is to stay away from you." Brian cried.

"please don't do this Brian, I need you." Bailey cried and pleaded. "i love you."

"i love you too,  you don't need me  you're strong. if I could die a thousand times just so that you could live I would because you're the best thing that ever happened to me in my entire miserable life, I want you to live a long life and I want you to be happy.  "

"but I wont be happy without you Brian... why are you doing this?" Bailey had been crying so hard that she could barely breathe.

"i love you Bailey. I'm sorry, goodbye." Brian hung up the phone and held his head in his hands. sitting at a table a gun in his hand and a bottle of whiskey sitting before him, half empty. his mother, dead lying in a pool of blood beside him, he screamed at the top of his lungs. tears flooding down his cheeks. suddenly freddy appeared before him.

"Bailey is such a pretty girl. it's a shame what we are going to do to her face." Freddy laughed Sadistically.

"no..." Brian screamed in terror, "get away from me! I wont do it! you can't make me!!"

Freddy laughed holding his stomach, Brian crying hysterically. he put the loaded gun to his head. his hands shaking.

"do it brian!" Freddy laughed,

Brian closed his tired eyes tightly, taking a deep breath. he pulled the trigger, and his lifeless body fell to the kitchen floor..

"what a fuckin pussy?" Freddy kicked Brians lifeless body , blood spilling from his head like a flood. his eyes wide with shock and pure terror.

Bailey threw her phone on the floor in anger. completely shattering the screen she cried. "how could he do this to me?"


♡A Nightmare On Elm street(fanfiction)♡(editing!)Where stories live. Discover now