round two.

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*Kalebs p.o.v*

"Brian?" I nervously tap him on the shoulder and he quickly turns around and looks at me and as soon as he realizes who I am he takes his headphones off and takes a step back. His nose is busted and is still slightly bleeding as he looks at me in anger, he looks at me like he wants to kill me and is ready for round two.

"Woah woah woah, calm down. I'm not trying to fight you." I hold my hands up before me to try and keep the peace but he isn't hearing it. He swings on me as hard as he can and throws his whole entire body weight into the punch, knocking me to the pavement, and I hold my throbbing forehead in pain.

"I told you it wasn't over" he shouts, and now he's standing over me. And he spits in my face, the same way that I spat in his in the hallway, I cover my face and my vision darkens. And I begin to hear Freddy's sadistic laughter once more.

"Please stop Brian, I need to talk to you." I plead.

"Why?" He laughs.
"Why should i even fucking care what you have to say to me? After what you fucking did???" He shouts, "huh? Why?"
He kicks me in the side as hard as he can and I jump up and hold my side.

I feel paralyzed but I fight with all of my being to move and to speak.
"Because im having the nightmares too."

He kneels down and looks at me in confusion.
"What nightmares?, what are you even talking about?" He quickly looks away and sneers.

"The ones with the man in them with the hideously burned face." I moan in pain and I feel like a coward, but I am not myself right now.
"he wears a dirty brown hat and a striped sweater and he calls himself Freddy."

Brian shakes his head in anger in frustration, his mouth agape as he leans down next to me and it seems like its taking all that he has in him not to hit me again as he offers me a helping hand off of the ground.

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